




I've seen several questions asked about simple

<input type="submit" />

按钮在chrome中不起作用,但是我仍然没有找到解决方案。该按钮或表单的onsubmit没有附加js / jq。此外,我说它不能在chrome和webkit中使用,因为它在safari以及ie和ff中都可以使用。

buttons not working in chrome, but I still am yet to find a solution. there is no js/jq attached to that button or to the form's onsubmit. Furthermore, I say it's not working in chrome and not webkit because it is working in safari, as well as ie and ff.


has anyone found a definitive answer on how to deal with this bug?

编辑:由于b *原因而被否决了,所以这是chrome控制台的屏幕截图,该错误引发了我 my 修复。

this got voted down for b* reasons so here is a screenshot of the chrome console throwing the error that led me to my fix.

i '将我的代表带回tyvm:P

i'll take my rep back tyvm :P


好,所以我发现是什么导致我的问题实例崩溃。在使用chrome的控制台时,我注意到我错误地使用了名为 size的输入type = text。这导致chrome抛出错误,无法继续提交。我将输入[name = size]从表单中移出,效果很好。我本可以更改该输入框的名称,但是这需要我在很多情况下进行更改,并且与该框相关的ajax不在乎它是否被命名为

ok, so i found what was causing my instance of this problem to crash. Using chrome's console, I noticed that I had incorrectly used an input, type=text, that was named 'size'. this was causing chrome to throw an error and not continue with the submit. I moved the input[name="size"] out of the form and it worked fine. i could have changed the name of that input box, but that would require me changing it in a lot of instances, and the ajax involved with that box didn't care if it was named size


lesson: chrome doesn't like input's named size



07-29 21:02