



我有一个使用几件事情从Android API的Java库。我想使用的Mockito写单元测试这个库。

I have a Java library that uses a few things from the Android APIs. I'd like to use Mockito to write unit tests for this library.


Is there a way I can go about this?


Mockito doesn't play nice on the Dalvik VM, see this post: Using Mockito with Android virtual machine


由于这个职位,我已经发现Robolectric,我已经有机会制定出举足轻重的实验室,并到该库的一些小的贡献。我建议使用这种过度了Android测试框架/的Mockito。此外,你可以自由地使用Robolectric AND的Mockito,但在Robolectric影子对象进行的Mockito不必要的大多数用例。

Since this post I've discovered Robolectric, and I've had the opportunity to work out of Pivotal Labs and make some small contributions to this library. I would recommend using this over the Android testing framework/mockito. Also, you're free to use Robolectric AND Mockito, but the shadow objects in Robolectric make Mockito unnecessary for most use cases.


The problem with trying to unit test Android is that the Android library that you build on has every method stubbed out to either throw a stub exception, or return null. If you want to test your app and want any Android behavior you are out of luck, unless you use Robolectric which rewrites the byte-code on the fly when the classes load, and injects a shadow object that simulates the behavior.



It's been a while and things have changed. Many of the Shadow classes in Robolectric have been replaced with the real Android classes. The real Android jars are now used and Robolectric only loads Shadow classes for a much smaller set of things. This is even more of a reason to use Robolectric for your Android testing.



After much Googling, I have come across an answer for this here.

基本上,它涉及到使用 Robolectric 的单元测试框架,它截获的安卓类的加载。然后,您可以继续使用的Mockito(虽然这是没有必要在大多数情况下),并运行测试在JVM上!

Basically it involves using the Robolectric unit testing framework, which intercepts the loading of the Android classes. You can then go ahead and use Mockito (although it isn't necessary in most cases) and run your tests on the JVM!


07-29 20:57