






public class TestClass
   MyService service;

   public void setup()
      if(service.getById(1) == null)
         Thing thing = new Thing();
         service.create(new Thing(1))

我也尝试过使用@BeforeClass,但是这要求该方法是静态的,并且必须在调用任何@Autowired setter方法之前执行,所以当@BeforeClass运行.

我尝试使用@PostConstruct,但是存在可用事务存在的问题(我的设置是仅在事务开始时才能使用Hibernate会话).奇怪的是,一个会话似乎可用,但是从同一会话中获得的两个对象不相等,这意味着Hibernate 1级缓存似乎失败了,或者每个操作都在一个单独的会话中进行. @BeforeTransaction似乎表现出相同的行为.


The Spring TransactionalTestExecutionListener 负责管理Junit测试的事务.它使用两种方法( beforeTestMethod afterTestMethod )来开始和结束每个Junit测试的事务.

对于@Before注释,它似乎是这样工作的,它通过@Before注释将在Test方法上指定的 @Rollback属性应用于setUp方法.


      @ContextConfiguration(loader=AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes={SpringConfig.class})
       public class MyTest

        public void setUp()
            //When executing this method setUp
            //The transaction will be rolled back after rollBackTrue Test
            //The transaction will not be rolled back after rollBackFalse Test

        public void rollBackTrue()

        public void rollBackFalse()

In a JUnit test in my Spring application, I'd like to insert a lot of data in a setup method, and then use it to test against. However, whatever is done in the @Before method appears to be rolled back after each test, even if I annotate the method with @Rollback(false)

Here's a simplified version of what I'm trying to do:

public class TestClass
   MyService service;

   public void setup()
      if(service.getById(1) == null)
         Thing thing = new Thing();
         service.create(new Thing(1))

I've also tried using @BeforeClass, but that requires the method to be static, and executes before any @Autowired setter methods are called, so I can't get access to the services I need to call when @BeforeClass runs.

I tried using @PostConstruct, but there are issues with having a transaction available (and my setup is such that a Hibernate session is only available when a transaction starts). Weirdly a session seemed to be available, but two objects got from within the same session were not equal, meaning Hibernate 1st-level cache seemed to be failing, or each operation was happening in a separate session. @BeforeTransaction seemed to exhibit the same behaviour.


The Spring TransactionalTestExecutionListener is responsible for managing the transaction for the Junit Tests. It uses two methods (beforeTestMethod and afterTestMethod) to start and end the transaction for each of the Junit Tests.

As for @Before annotation it seems to work like this, It applies the @Rollback attribute specified on the Test method to the to setUp method with @Before annotation

I have this example to explain the process, I have two test methods one with (roll back false the other with roll back true)

      @ContextConfiguration(loader=AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes={SpringConfig.class})
       public class MyTest

        public void setUp()
            //When executing this method setUp
            //The transaction will be rolled back after rollBackTrue Test
            //The transaction will not be rolled back after rollBackFalse Test

        public void rollBackTrue()

        public void rollBackFalse()


07-29 20:39