




I would like to make use of request scoped beans in my app. I use JUnit4 for testing. If I try to create one in a test like this:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath:spring/TestScopedBeans-context.xml" })
public class TestScopedBeans {
    protected final static Logger logger = Logger

    private Object tObj;

    public void testBean() {

    public void testBean2() {


With the following bean definition:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">
  <bean class="java.lang.Object" id="tObj" scope="request" />


org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'gov.nasa.arc.cx.sor.query.TestScopedBeans': Injection of resource fields failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Scope registered for scope 'request'
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Scope registered for scope 'request'


So I found this blog that seemed helpful:http://www.javathinking.com/2009/06/no-scope-registered-for-scope-request_5.html

但是我注意到他使用似乎在Spring 3.0中被弃用了。
我现在使用的是Spring 2.5,但是认为切换这个方法以使用AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests
测试来扩展AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests ...同样的消息。同样的问题。现在我想要

But I noticed he uses AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests which seems to be deprecated in Spring 3.0.I use Spring 2.5 at this time, but thought it shouldn't be too hard to switch this method to use AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTestsas the docs suggest (ok the docs link to the 3.8 version but I'm using 4.4). So I change thetest to extend AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests... same message. Same problem. And now the prepareTestInstance() method I wantto override is not defined. OK, maybe I'll put those registerScope calls somewhere else... So I read more about TestExecutionListeners and think that would be better since I don't want to have to inherit the spring package structure. SoI changed my Test to:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath:spring/TestScopedBeans-context.xml" })
public class TestScopedBeans {

在哪里注册请求范围或会话范围,为什么会这样?没有什么可说的我想要的,这可能不是Spring MVC代码的测试...

expecting I would have to create a custom listener but I when I ran it. It works! Great, but why? I don't see where any of the stock listenersare registering request scope or session scope, and why would they? there's nothing to say I want that yet, this might not be a Test for Spring MVC code...



The test passes because it isn't doing anything :)

当你省略 @TestExecutionListeners 注释时,Spring会注册3个默认监听器,包括一个名为 DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener 。这是负责扫描您的测试类寻找要注入的东西的监听器,包括 @Resource 注释。这个监听器试图注入 tObj ,并因为未定义范围而失败。

When you omit the @TestExecutionListeners annotation, Spring registers 3 default listeners, including one called DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener. This is the listener responsible for scanning your test class looking for things to inject, including @Resource annotations. This listener tried to inject tObj, and fails, because of the undefined scope.

当你声明<$ c时$ c> @TestExecutionListeners({}),您禁止注册 DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener ,因此测试永远不会得到完全注入了tObj ,并且因为你的测试没有检查是否存在 tObj ,它会通过。

When you declare @TestExecutionListeners({}), you suppress the registration of the DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener, and so the test never gets tObj injected at all, and because your test is not checking for the existence of tObj, it passes.


Modify your test so that it does this, and it will fail:

public void testBean() {
    assertNotNull("tObj is null", tObj);

所以你的空 @TestExecutionListeners ,测试通过,因为没有任何反应

So with your empty @TestExecutionListeners, the test passes because nothing happens.

现在,问你原来的问题。如果您想尝试使用测试上下文注册请求范围,那么请查看 WebApplicationContextUtils.registerWebApplicationScopes()的源代码,您将找到以下行:

Now, on to your original problem. If you want to try registering the request scope with your test context, then have a look at the source code for WebApplicationContextUtils.registerWebApplicationScopes(), you'll find the line:

beanFactory.registerScope(WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_REQUEST, new RequestScope());


You could try that, and see how you go, but there might be odd side-effects, because you're not really meant to do this in a test.

相反,我建议你重新测试你的测试,这样你就不需要了请求范围豆。这应该不难,如果你编写自包含的测试, @Test 的生命周期不应该长于请求范围的bean的生命周期。记住,没有必要测试作用域机制,它是Spring的一部分,你可以认为它有效。

Instead, I would recommend rephrasing your test so that you don't need request scoped beans. This shouldn't be difficult, the lifecycle of the @Test shouldn't be any longer than the lifecycle of a request-scoped bean, if you write self-contained tests. Remember, there's no need to test the scoping mechanism, it's part of Spring and you can assume it works.


07-29 20:38