

本文介绍了在构建机器上清除 Maven 本地存储库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 CI 构建服务器上,本地 Maven 存储库会反复填满文件系统(几天后).在这种情况下,其他人正在采取什么策略来修剪本地存储库?-最大

On a CI build server, the local Maven repository fills up the file system repetitively (after a few days).What strategy are others doing to trim the local repository in such a case?-Max


Maven依赖插件有一个purge-local-repository 目标,允许您从本地存储库中删除给定项目的依赖项,如果每个项目每天运行一次快照不会累积.

The Maven dependency plugin has a purge-local-repository goal that allows you to delete the dependencies for a given project from the local repository, if this is run say once a day on each project the snapshots will not accumulate.

或者,您可以采取更焦土的方法.由于问题通常是时间戳快照工件,您可以使用 maven-antrun-plugin 删除所有符合资源收集模式的文件.

Alternatively there's a more scorched-earth approach you could take. As the problem is typically the timestamped snapshot artifacts, you could use the maven-antrun-plugin to delete all files that match the resource collection pattern.


For example (note this might need some tweaking as I've done it from memory):

            <fileset dir="${settings.localRepository}">
              <include name="**/*.jar"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.pom"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.war"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.ear"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.md5"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.sha"/>
              <!--any other extensions?...-->
              <!--match the timestamp pattern-->
              <containsregexp expression="[0-9]{8}.[0-9]{6}-[0-9]+"/>

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07-29 19:51