



是否可以告诉 Maven2 以串行模式在新的 JVM 实例(fork)中执行每个 jUnit 测试,即一一执行.

Is it possible to tell Maven2 to execute every jUnit test in new JVM instance (fork) in serial mode, i.e. one by one.


你必须像解释的那样 fork JVM 这里

You have to fork the JVM like explained here


也应该可以通过声明一个 Sytem 属性

It should also be possible by just declaring a Sytem property

mvn -DforkMode=always test


As described in the documentation: "always" forks for each test-class. I do not know if the "pertest" setting will fork for each test.

感谢@Djebel 指出 forkMode 现在已被弃用.有关于Fork Options and Parallel Test的详细文档执行"以及如何使用新参数forkCountreuseForks 并且还包括以下迁移提示:

Thanks to @Djebel for pointing out that forkMode is deprecated now. There is a detailed documentation on "Fork Options and Parallel Test Execution" and how to use the new parameters forkCount and reuseForks and that also includes the following migration tips:

Old Setting                         New Setting
forkMode=once (default)             forkCount=1 (default), reuseForks=true (default)
forkMode=always                     forkCount=1 (default), reuseForks=false
forkMode=never                      forkCount=0
forkMode=perthread, threadCount=N   forkCount=N, (reuseForks=false, if you did not had that one set)


07-29 19:49