




I am using a different plugin (ant4eclipse) to jar my files. What is the best way to avoid the maven-jar plugin from executing?

  • 我试图删除<&插件GT;的maven-JAR-插件< /插件>

  • 我试图<&排除GT; ** / *< /排除>

  • 我试图<&跳过GT;真< /跳过>

  • I tried to remove the <plugin>maven-jar-plugin</plugin>
  • I tried to <exclude> ** / * < / exclude>
  • I tried to <skip>true</skip>



在Maven的3.0.x的(我试过3.0.2),您可以禁用的maven-JAR-插件默认-JAR 执行绑定到一个不存在的阶段,如@bmargulies建议。不幸的是,这并不在2.2.1工作,但你可以用自己的罐子干扰通过设置一个另外的&LT prevent它; finalName&GT; &LT;分类器GT; 默认-JAR 执行;它仍然会创建一个JAR,但它会被设置为项目的辅助神器,不会覆盖你创建的。下面是应该在这两个的Maven 2和Maven 3合作的例子:

In Maven 3.0.x (I tried 3.0.2) you can disable maven-jar-plugin by binding the default-jar execution to a nonexistent phase, as @bmargulies suggested. Unfortunately that doesn't work in 2.2.1, but you can prevent it from interfering with your own jar by setting an alternative <finalName> and <classifier> for the default-jar execution; it will still create a jar, but it will be set as a secondary artifact for the project and won't overwrite the one you've created. Here's an example that should work in both Maven 2 and Maven 3:




如果您停用的maven-JAR-插件 Maven的安装,插件可能会给你带来太多的麻烦。在Maven的3可以将其禁用一样的maven-JAR-插件:绑定默认安装来一个不存在的相。然而,在Maven的2 Maven的安装,插件要求目标/班目录中,它会安装假罐子当没有主神器present。

Once you've disabled maven-jar-plugin, maven-install-plugin may give you trouble too. In Maven 3 it can be disabled the same as maven-jar-plugin: bind default-install to a nonexistent phase. However, in Maven 2 maven-install-plugin requires that the target/classes directory exist, and it will install the dummy jar when there isn't a primary artifact present.


07-29 19:47