Does anyone know how to configure the log4j2.xml file to use log4jdbc? I have been searching for several hours and I can't seem to find anything.
从beta5开始,Log4j 2.0不提供JDBC Appender.但是,团队正在研究一个,随后的发行版可能包含一个.
As of beta5, Log4j 2.0 does not offer a JDBC Appender. However, the team is working on one and it is likely that a subsequent release will contain one.
Which also means: if you have any feature requests, ideas or comments, now would be a good time to let the team know!
The dev mailing list, user mailing list or Jira issue tracker are all fine places to get your voice heard.
更新:从beta 7开始,Log4j2提供JDBC,JPA和NoSQL数据库附加程序.
Update:As of beta 7, Log4j2 offers JDBC, JPA, and NoSQL database appenders.