本文介绍了log4j2在JBoss EAP 7上的EJB jar中记录代码的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


将几个旧版应用程序从WebLogic移植到JBoss EAP 7.部分正在移植的组件是EJB。其他的是调用这些EJB的servlet应用程序。这些EJB部署在ejb-jar中。我知道我可以将这个整个东西包装成一个大的EAR文件,但是我们不想这样做。 servlet和EJB jar需要是可单独部署的组件。

I am doing the following:porting several legacy applications from WebLogic to JBoss EAP 7. Some of the components being ported are EJBs. Others are servlet apps that invoke these EJBs. These EJBs are deployed in ejb-jars. I know that I could wrap this whole thing into a big EAR file but we don't want to do that. The servlets and the EJB jars need to be separately deployable components.

然后是日志设置。我们正在使用log4j2,我们希望独立于JBoss日志记录设置。我创建了一个JBoss模块,其中包含所有具有适当依赖关系的log4j2 jar,日志记录工作。

Then there is the logging setup. We are using log4j2 and we want to keep independent of the JBoss logging setup. I have created a JBoss module that contains all the log4j2 jars with the proper dependencies, and logging works.The servlet runs and logs, invokes the EJBs and they work.

唯一的问题是如何配置EJB的日志记录。在像Servlet这样的Web应用程序中,很容易,只需在web.xml中指定log4j日志记录配置文件即可。什么是ejb jar的模拟?我想不出一个办法。

The only problem is how to configure the EJB's logging. In a Web App like the servlet, it's easy, just specify the log4j logging configuration file in web.xml. What's the analog for an ejb jar? I couldn't think of a way.


I tried the following: Add a logger/appender to the configuration of the servlet app for the EJB package and specify a new file. It doesn't work. The new logfile does get created but nothing gets written to the logfile. There should be output, but there isn't, so evidently when the EJB runs, its LogManager is not using the configuration specified in the servlet.

什么是正确的方式在JBoss EAP7上EJB jar中部署的EJB中指定log4j2配置?

What is the right way for specifying a log4j2 configuration in an EJB deployed in an EJB jar on JBoss EAP7?



I had previously posted in this space a solution involving use of the @postConstruct and @preDestroy methods to initialize and shut down LoggerContext objects.


This plan fell apart when I tried to extend it to stateless session beans. It worked okay for Stateful Beans. Or so I thought. Eventually I found an Oracle document on EJB Restrictions which exposed the weaknesses in what I was doing. My "solution" included a non-final static LoggerContext member of the EJB class. I found a way to make it final, which did allow the stateless case to work. But I was increasingly dissatisfied with my approach. Even in the stateful case, I found issues that might bite me later in a clustered environment.


What I now come to believe is that I should not do what I was trying to do.

我甚至不能想象一个 static final LoggerContext 的复杂性,如果EJB被分发到群集中的另一台机器。像LoggerContext这样的对象不属于容器管理对象(如EJB)的静态成员。

I can't even imagine the complexity of what a static final LoggerContext would look like if an EJB were distributed to another machine in the cluster. Objects like LoggerContext don't belong as members, static or not, of container-managed objects like EJBs.


It's not even clear that EJBs are the right implementation technology for what I am trying to build. My use cases are not really transactional so the case for EJB implementation is not strong so one possible path leads away from EJBs altogether.


The real message is that if EJBs or other container-managed components are indicated, it's probably best to use the container-provided logging system. I like log4j2, but until JBoss supports it, it's best to stick with container-provided log4j1 or some other framework.

这篇关于log4j2在JBoss EAP 7上的EJB jar中记录代码的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 19:33