




我想问你如何在WPF中创建适当的MVVM结构以及将什么放到每个View,VieModel和Model中。我想了解创建MVVM结构的方法,然而,在阅读了大量的指南和论坛后,我感到困惑。我试图用PRISM教程做这件事 - 对我来说太重了,还有MVVM Light。接下来我找到了Caliburn Micro。好的,我会尝试使用其中一个但是......我不明白如何为我的应用程序实现MVVM。

我的应用程序有 - MainWIndow(使用MahhApps),带有TitleBar按钮,弹出按钮,LoginDialog和Dialogs。我有3个UserControls作为菜单 - 用于管理员,员工和SPOC。每个都不同。现在我有代码隐藏。对于每个按钮,对于每个文本框,对于每个保存,删除,清除,更新方法,我在代码隐藏中有代码。



Hi all,

I would like to ask you how to create proper MVVM structure in WPF and what to put to each View, VieModel and Model. I wanted to understand the way to create the MVVM structure, however, after reading the huge amount of guides and forums I'm confused. I was trying to do it with PRISM tutorial - too heavy for me, and with MVVM Light. Next I found Caliburn Micro. Okay, I will try to use one of those but.... I don't understand how can I implement MVVM for my app.

My app have - MainWIndow (using MahhApps) with TitleBar buttons, flyouts, LoginDialog and Dialogs. I have 3 UserControls as a Menu - for Admin, Employee and SPOC. Each is different. Now I have code-behind. For each button, for each textbox, for each save, delete, clear, update method I have code in code-behind.

I'm confused with that cuz it looks like it's simple, but I guess I saw too many tutorials.

Thank you for any suggestions.



07-29 19:29