

我们有好的Html5,Angular JS开发人员在我们的处置,现在经过很少的研究,以了解我需要做的开始,以下是我的理解:

I am a C# developer, entrusted with a project to develop the Android native app for one of our project, whose logic engine in C# is exposed as a REST service.Current project has a Web version using Html5 and JS and desktop using WPF.We have good Html5, Angular JS developers at our disposal, now after little research to understand what I need to do to get started, following is my understanding:

  • 学习 Java / Python 对于原生Android开发,与其他选项相比有一些学习曲线

  • Learn Java / Python for native Android development, it has some learning curve vis a vis other options

使用 Cordova,Titanium 等框架,可以将HTML5,JS代码转换为原生Android和iOS应用程序

Use frameworks like Cordova, Titanium, which are able to convert HTML5, JS code to native Android and IOS app


Now I have come across Xamarin, which can help the C# developers to develop Android and IOS Apps, which we can adopt quickly, but I am not able to find the convincing answer to following questions, which are based on my understanding of the complexity of the project requirements, since they change over a period of time:

  • Xamarin生成的应用程序在真实的Android系统中有任何性能问题?

  • Xamarin应用程式是专为Android开发而优化的,还是仍然有一个共同的分母代码?

  • Xamarin支援大部分的复杂UI默认情况下在本地Android上可以使用的功能?

  • Xamarin对于像Phonegap这样的JS类似的混合系统有什么优势,它是一个更好更好的框架

  • Does Xamarin generated apps have any performance issue in real android system?
  • Are Xamarin apps optimized when developed exclusively for the Android or do we still have a common denominator code?
  • Does Xamarin supports most of the Complex UI features like maps, grids, that would be available by default on native Android?
  • How is Xamarin vis a vis similar hybrid systems for the JS like Phonegap, which one is a better and more adoptable framework


Any suggestion / pointer would be great, that can help us take informed decision. Do not want to proceed with a framework, without understanding a major limitation or roadblock, which can make future difficult



Xamarin is not limited to the common-denominator because it creates bindings to native code.


Regarding Android performance, I've heard that Xamarin apps actually perform better because the Mono runtime should be more mature than Dalvik, although this may just be a rumour.


Yes, Xamarin supports anything you could do on the platform's native toolchain.


With Cordova you'd only write your app once and compile it for multiple platforms. With Xamarin, you'd share as much business code as possible, and only create the UI layer for each platform, which is why you can customize it to each platform.


09-02 22:30