


Hi I did get how the Counting Semaphore works? Please help me in understanding.


As per my understanding if we set count as 3, then process can use 3 threads to access the resource. so, here just 3 threads have access on the resource. When 1 thread leaves the other waiting thread comes in. If my understanding is correct, these 3 thread can corrupt shared data too. Then what is use of it?



Your observations are correct; typically a resource either needs to be restricted to one thread (e.g. it is being written to), or is safe to use with an unlimited number of threads (e.g. it is read-only). Restricting a resource to be used by say 5 threads is rarely useful.

因此,计数为 N 的计数信号量通常用于限制访问到 N 个资源池中...当计数达到零时,下一个线程必须等待从该池中获取资源。

Thus a counting semaphore with count N is most often used to restrict access to a pool of N resources...when the count reaches zero the next thread has to wait to obtain a resource from the pool.

但是,在实践中,我通常并不觉得这有用,因为仅控制访问资源池的线程的 number 是不够的,您还需要自己管理资源。因此,我通常以阻塞队列结尾,该队列包含线程可以从中获取的托管资源。当线程用完资源后,它将该资源(例如对象)返回到队列,以便等待的线程可以使用它。

However, I don't commonly find this useful in practice because simply controlling the number of threads accessing a pool of resources isn't sufficient, you need to manage the resources themselves as well. So I typically end up with a blocking queue containing the managed resources that threads can take from. When a thread is done with a resource, it returns that resource (e.g. an object) to the queue so that a waiting thread can take it.


The queue might internally use a semaphore to control access to the internal buffer, but that is usually encapsulated from the user of the queue.

  • Wikipedia: Semaphore - Important Observations


07-29 19:28