




Is there a way to combine animation package and r markdown? I want to generate animation which i want to include and describe in html file generated from r markdown.

当然,我可以从 saveHTML 嵌入code或 saveGIF 文件中已经阵列生成的R降价文件,但我想这个过程自动化。

Of course I can embed code from saveHTML or saveGIF file in already generated r markdown file, but i want to automate this process.

我工作在Windows上,R 15.1,最后RStudio。

I'm working on Windows, R 15.1 and the last RStudio.



Here is the clock example from the knitr graphics manual (see comment on your question) in markdown:

```{r clock, fig.width=7, fig.height=6, fig.show='animate'}
par(mar = rep(3, 4))
for (i in seq(pi/2, -4/3 * pi, length = 12)) {
    plot(0, 0, pch = 20, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
    arrows(0, 0, cos(i), sin(i))
    axis(1, 0, "VI"); axis(2, 0, "IX")
    axis(3, 0, "XII"); axis(4, 0, "III"); box()

您需要有可执行文件路径为它工作。 Knitr将使用动画包装,这反过来将调用的ffmpeg产生被嵌入在HTML输出的MP4文件。

You need to have the ffmpeg executable in your path for it to work. Knitr will use the animation package, which in turn will call ffmpeg to generate an mp4 file which is embedded in your html output.


07-29 18:43