So there is a lot out there about creating anchors in markdown, and creating internal table-of-contents-type anchors in a notebook. What I need though is the ability to access an anchor in my notebook on Github from an external source, e.g.:
I've got a number of interactive tutorials hosted this way, and a single manual that I want to be able to link to sections of the notebooks for. I can add the anchor tags into markdown cells just fine, using:
<a id='thiscell'></a>
but when I try using the link as I wrote above, it just loads the notebook at the top, as if there was no reference to an anchor.
我有同样的问题。作为解决方法,我已将笔记本的呈现委托给。这只是提供其GitHub 公共 url并点击Go!
I had the same problem. As a workaround, I have delegated the rendering of my notebook to http://nbviewer.jupyter.org. It's just a matter of providing its GitHub public url and clicking Go!
Of course, the internal links still don't work under GitHub, but I have now a functioning notebook somewhere on the web, which is what I actually wanted in the first place.
I hope this applies to your case too.