本文介绍了如何定义Swig类型映射以将未签名的char *返回给Java的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a Java Application that calls a c library for performing crypto functions.This is a custom library implemented in c that we need to use from some Java programs.I need a way to define a SWIG typemap that will allow me call a function passing bytearray from Java and treat it as an unsigned character pointer in C function where c function fills data and returns it to java


Excerpt of my present unhappy interface file is as follows

%module  CryptoFacade

%pointer_functions(int, intp);
%pointer_functions(unsigned char, unsigned_charp);

int enCrypt(char* clearText, int clearLen,unsigned char* retCipherText, int *retCipherLen);

我不高兴的Java代码摘录如下.在下面的代码中,我希望对enCrypt函数的调用将为我提供一个缓冲区,但根据生成的代码,它给了我短"字. (请参阅代码中的注释)

And Excerpt from my unhappy Java code is as follows. In the code below I expected that the call to enCrypt function will give me a buffer but it gives me a "short" as per generated code. (See comments in the code)

class MainLoader {
static {
     System.loadLibrary("dccasecuJ"); //Load my crypto library

 public static void main(String[] args) {

 // Define the parameters to be passed by reference
 SWIGTYPE_p_int retCipherLen=CryptoFacade.new_intp();
 SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_char retCipherText =

CryptoFacade myFacade=new CryptoFacade();

// Call crypto library function. First two are value parameters, next two are return
myFacade.enCrypt("STRING-TO-ENCRYPT", 17, retCipherText, retCipherLen);

// The length I get back in fourth parameter is just fine
int gotLen= CryptoFacade.intp_value(retCipherLen);

//The value I get for the Ciphertext though is a "short" ... no good
// I need a byte[] in java that has the ciphertext
short gotText= CryptoFacade.unsigned_charp_value(retCipherText);


I guess I should change my interface definition to something like below where I make my third parameter a jbytearray and then I got to implement a typemap that will copy the contents pointed to by unsigned character pointer in C program to a java bytearray.


I am perfectly fine if I have to specify the length of content to 256 bytes, because handling arbitrary lengths may be tricky.


Can someone point me to place where I can find such a typemap (I am new to SWIG and have no experience in writing typemaps)

%module  CryptoFacade

%pointer_functions(int, intp);
%pointer_functions(unsigned char, unsigned_charp);

int enCrypt(char* clearText, int clearLen, jbyteArray retCipherText, int *retCipherLen);



The easiest way to do work with byte arrays in Java is to use %array_class (or %array_functions) which is like %pointer_functions but for an entire array, not just a single element. I put together a complete example for you, using this header file as a test:

inline void foo(unsigned char *bytearr) {
  bytearr[0] = 1;
  bytearr[1] = 2;
  bytearr[2] = 3;
  bytearr[3] = 100;


We can wrap this with SWIG with:

%module test

#include "test.h"

%include <carrays.i>
%array_class(unsigned char,ByteArr);

%include "test.h"

// Emit Java code to automatically load the shared library
%pragma(java) jniclasscode=%{
  static {
    try {
    } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
      System.err.println("Native code library failed to load. \n" + e);


I also put together some Java to exercise this function:

public class run {
  public static void main(String[] argv) {
    ByteArr arr = new ByteArr(4); // Initial size 4
    // You could set some values before passing in if you wanted to.
    System.out.println(arr.getitem(0) + ", " + arr.getitem(1) + ", " + arr.getitem(2) + ", " + arr.getitem(3));

已编译并运行.请注意,C或C ++中的unsigned char在Java中表示为short-Java没有任何无符号类型,因此适合范围0-255的最小类型是简短的. byte默认情况下不覆盖它. (您可以通过其他方式玩将unsigned char映射到byte的游戏,但这远非直观,因此默认设置不是.)

which compiled and ran. Note that unsigned char in C or C++ is represented in Java as short - Java doesn't have any unsigned types, so the smallest type which fits the range 0-255 is a short. byte doesn't cover it by default. (You could play games re-mapping unsigned char to byte in other ways but that's far from intuitive so the default is not to).

如果需要,您可以执行更高级的操作.例如,如果您知道数组的大小,则可以使用arrays_java.i . 此示例使用JNI创建类型映射以返回数组unsigned char. 此示例显示了如何使用JNI类型映射将数组传递给函数. (它使用的是long而不是byte,但这实际上是一个搜索并替换以更改它).

You can do more advanced things if you want. For example if you know the size of the array you can use arrays_java.i. This example creates typemaps using JNI for returning an array of unsigned char. This example shows how to pass an array in to a function using JNI typemaps. (It's using long instead of byte, but the it's literally a search and replace to change that).

这篇关于如何定义Swig类型映射以将未签名的char *返回给Java的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 18:07