


A potential customer has asked me to look at some promotional flyers for a couple of apps which fall into the contact management / scheduler category. Both use Filemaker as their backend. It looks like these two apps are sold as web apps. At any rate I had not heard of Filemaker in about ten years, so it was surprising to see it pop up twice in the same sitting. I think it started out as a Mac platform db system.

我更偏向于SQL Server,MY SQL等,但在对Filemaker做任何评论之前, d喜欢知道一些系统的利弊。它必须超过Access的Mac,但我从来没有作为一个播放器在客户端/服务器或网络应用程序领域。

I am more partial to SQL Server, MY SQL, etc, but before make any comments on Filemaker, I'd like to know some of the pros and cons of the system. It must be more than Access for Mac's, but I have never run across it as a player in the client / server or web app arena.

Mike Thomas

Many thanksMike Thomas



  • 便宜


  • 这是非标准的(容易找到
    MySQL / Oracle / MSSQL / Access专家


Using subpar and/or nonstandard technologies only creates technology debt. I've never found a respectable dev that actually enjoyed (or wanted to) using this niche product.

在我看来,这个产品存在,因为它是Access for Macs,它获得了足够的用户基础和现有的应用程序,足够的人购买每个升级,以保持业务。市场上有许多产品仍然存在,因为它的用户被锁定,而不是因为它是一个不错的选择。

In my opinion this product exists because it is Access for Macs, and it gained enough of a userbase and existing applications that enough people bought each upgrade to keep it in business. There are many products on the market that still exist because it's users are locked in, not because it's a good choice.

