


The following looks like a compilation error :

struct : Base { };

但是,当使用时 似乎可行:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template<bool B>
struct A
    struct : std::integral_constant<bool, B> {
    } members;

int main()
    A<true> a;
    cout << a.members.value << endl;
    return 0;

在c ++中,未命名结构是否可以继承?有没有一些有用的示例?

In c++ is it valid for unnamed structures to inherit? Are there any examples where this is userful?


Disclaimer: I'm not pretending the provided example is useful. I rarely use unnamed structs, and when I do they're usually bundling together some built-in member variables, in order to provide a cleaner interface for a class. The question came up from the observation that memberspaces need not be nammed structures


未命名的类可以继承.例如,在必须必须继承以覆盖虚拟函数但您不需要多个类实例且无需引用派生类型的情况下,这很有用. ,因为对基本类型的引用就足够了.

Unnamed classes can inherit. This is useful, for example, in situations when you must inherit in order to override a virtual function, but you never need more than one instance of the class, and you do not need to reference the derived type, because a reference to the base type is sufficient.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Base {virtual int process(int a, int b) = 0;};
static struct : Base {
    int process(int a, int b) { return a+b;}
} add;
static struct : Base {
    int process(int a, int b) { return a-b;}
} subtract;
static struct : Base {
    int process(int a, int b) { return a*b;}
} multiply;
static struct : Base {
    int process(int a, int b) { return a/b;}
} divide;

void perform(Base& op, int a, int b) {
    cout << "input: " << a << ", " << b << "; output: " << op.process(a, b) << endl;

int main() {
    perform(add, 2, 3);
    perform(subtract, 6, 1);
    perform(multiply, 6, 7);
    perform(divide, 72, 8);
    return 0;


This code creates four anonymous derivations of Base - one for each operation. When the instances of these derivations are passed to the perform function, the proper override is called. Note that perform does not need to know about any of the specific types - the base type with its virtual function is enough to complete the process.


Here is the output of running the above code:

input: 2, 3; output: 5
input: 6, 1; output: 5
input: 6, 7; output: 42
input: 72, 8; output: 9



08-22 15:28