


Currently I understand it as a kind of "empty object". But what's it really?




Objective-C objects

First of all, when you call this:

id someObject = [NSArray array];

someObject 但只有一个指针。这意味着,如果 someObject 等于 0x1234 ,那么在内存中的那个地址有一个对象。

someObject isn't the array object directly but only a pointer to it. That means, if someObject is equal to 0x1234 there's an object at that address in the memory.


id someOtherObject = someObject;


doesn't copy the object. Both pointers point now to the same object.

c> nil 定义?让我们来看看源代码:

So, how is nil defined? Let's take a look at the source code:


#define nil __DARWIN_NULL    /* id of Nil instance */


#ifdef __cplusplus
#else /* ! __cplusplus */
#define __DARWIN_NULL ((void *)0)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

看起来像 nil 是指向地址0x0的指针。

Looks like nil is a pointer to the address 0x0.


返回的值为 nil ,0或 struct ,所有变量初始化为0.哪一个取决于预期的返回类型。在objective-c运行时显式检查 nil 的消息,这意味着它真的很快。

The returned values are either nil, 0 or a struct with all variables initialized to 0. Which one it is depends on the expected return type. There is an explicit check in the objective-c runtime for messages to nil, that means it's really fast.


Those are the 3 types. Here are all the definitions:

#define Nil __DARWIN_NULL   /* id of Nil class */
#define nil __DARWIN_NULL   /* id of Nil instance */
#define __DARWIN_NULL ((void *)0)

可以看出,它们都完全相同。 Nil nil 由Objective-C, NULL 来自C。

As can be seen, they are all exactly the same. Nil and nil are defined by Objective-C, NULL comes from C.


What's the difference then? It's only about style. It makes the code more readable.

  • Nil 用作不存在class: Class someClass = Nil

  • nil -existent instance: id someInstance = nil

  • NULL 到不存在的存储器部分: char * theString = NULL

  • Nil is used as a non-existent class: Class someClass = Nil.
  • nil is used as a non-existent instance: id someInstance = nil.
  • NULL is a pointer to a non-existent memory part: char *theString = NULL.

nil 不是一个空对象,而是一个不存在的对象。方法 -getSomeObject 不返回空对象,如果它不存在但返回 nil ,它告诉用户没有对象。

nil isn't an empty object but a non-existent one. A method -getSomeObject doesn't return an empty object if it doesn't exist but returns nil which tells the user that there is no object.


Maybe this makes sense: (Both would compile and run.)

if (anObject == nil) {   // One cannot compare nothing to nothing,
                         // that wouldn't make sense.

if (anObject) {          // Correct, one checks for the existence of anObject


07-29 17:34