本文介绍了Python 最快的模板系统是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Jinja2 和 Mako 显然都非常快.

Jinja2 and Mako are both apparently pretty fast.

这些与(功能较少但可能足以满足我正在做的事情)string.Template 相比如何?

How do these compare to (the less featured but probably good enough for what I'm doing) string.Template ?


以下是用于渲染 10x1000 HTML 表格的流行模板引擎的结果.

Here are the results of the popular template engines for rendering a 10x1000 HTML table.

Python 2.6.2 on a 3GHz Intel Core 2

Kid template                         696.89 ms
Kid template + cElementTree          649.88 ms
Genshi template + tag builder        431.01 ms
Genshi tag builder                   389.39 ms
Django template                      352.68 ms
Genshi template                      266.35 ms
ElementTree                          180.06 ms
cElementTree                         107.85 ms
StringIO                              41.48 ms
Jinja 2                               36.38 ms
Cheetah template                      34.66 ms
Mako Template                         29.06 ms
Spitfire template                     21.80 ms
Tenjin                                18.39 ms
Spitfire template -O1                 11.86 ms
cStringIO                              5.80 ms
Spitfire template -O3                  4.91 ms
Spitfire template -O2                  4.82 ms
generator concat                       4.06 ms
list concat                            3.99 ms
generator concat optimized             2.84 ms
list concat optimized                  2.62 ms

基准测试基于 来自 Spitfire 的代码使用一些添加的模板引擎和添加的迭代进行性能测试以提高准确性.最后的列表和生成器 concat 是手工编码的 Python,以了解通过编译为 Python 字节码可实现的性能上限.优化版本在内循环中使用字符串插值.

The benchmark is based on code from Spitfire performance tests with some added template engines and added iterations to increase accuracy. The list and generator concat at the end are hand coded Python to get a feel for the upper limit of performance achievable by compiling to Python bytecode. The optimized versions use string interpolation in the inner loop.


But before you run out to switch your template engine, make sure it matters. You'll need to be doing some pretty heavy caching and really optimized code before the differences between the compiling template engines starts to matter. For most applications good abstraction facilities, compatibility with design tools, familiarity and other things matter much much more.

这篇关于Python 最快的模板系统是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 17:33