显然可以用几乎任何编程语言编写几乎任何类型的应用程序,尤其是使用Lisp这样强大的语言(无论是Scheme还是Common Lisp).但是将其用于Web开发是否可行?如果是这样,什么应该是一个很好的起点?在哪里可以找到此类项目的适当资源(工具,库,文档,最佳实践,示例等)?
It obviously is possible to write almost any kind of application in almost any programming language, especially in such a powerful one as Lisp (be it Scheme or Common Lisp). But is it practical to use it for web development? If so, what should be a good starting point? Where can be found the proper resources (tools, libraries, documentation, best practices, examples, etc.) for a project of this nature?
是的,Web开发是当今Common Lisp的强项之一.
Yes, web development is one of Common Lisp's strengths today.
作为Web服务器,使用 Hunchentoot ,前者是Edmund Weitz博士,其名称为tbnl.
As a web server, use Hunchentoot, formerly known as tbnl, by Dr. Edmund Weitz.
You can run it as a back-end to Apache using mod_proxy as a reverse proxy, or as a stand-alone server.
Various HTML generation solutions are available, from PHP-style templates to Lisp macro hacks to XSLT. Just take your pick.
关闭XML 可用于XML解析,序列化,XPath 1.0,XSLT 1.0 .还有用于HTML标签解析的Closure HTML.
Closure XML is available for XML parsing, serialization, XPath 1.0, XSLT 1.0.There is also Closure HTML for HTML tag soup parsing.
(完全公开:我是Closure XML和Closure HTML的维护者.)
(Full disclosure: I'm the maintainer of Closure XML and Closure HTML.)
如果您愿意, Parenscript 可以使您的JavaScript体验变得轻而易举,当然也可以自己编写普通的旧JavaScript.
If you like, Parenscript can make your JavaScript experience lispier, but you can also write plain old JavaScript yourself, of course.
jwacs 中的另一种很棒的JavaScript增强解决方案,该解决方案以Common Lisp编写,可对JavaScript进行转换以增加持续支持.
Another cool JavaScript enhancing solution in jwacs, which is written in Common Lisp and transforms JavaScript to add continuation support.
Web service projects might require an HTTP client in addition to a server.
Drakma 是今天要用于此的库.
Drakma is the library to use for that today.
PURI 对于URI操作很有用.
PURI is useful for URI manipulation.
还有更多!一个起点就是cliki,例如 cliki.net/web .
And there is more! One starting point is cliki, for example cliki.net/web.
在网络上,没人知道您的服务器是用Common Lisp编写的:-)
On the web, nobody knows your server is written in Common Lisp :-)