本文介绍了如何在selenium webdriver中从一个弹出窗口切换到另一个弹出窗口的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



  1. 主窗口 - >做一些活动。

  2. 点击保存按钮 - >确认弹出,然后按OK和CANCEL按钮。

  3. 单击确认弹出窗口上的确定按钮 - >使用确定按钮打开另一个成功弹出窗口。

  4. 弹出成功后单击确定按钮。

  5. 切换到主窗口。

  1. main window-> do some activity.
  2. click on Save button-> Confirmation pop up open with OK and CANCEL button.
  3. Click on OK button on confirmation popup ->another success pop up open with OK button.
  4. click on OK button on success pop up.
  5. switch to main window.


Above PopUp is HTML pop ups.How do i handle above scenario in selenium?. I am new on selenium. Please help me.I am stuck on above point.


String ParentWindow = driver.getWindowHandle(); //switching from parent to pop up window
for (String Child_Window : driver.getWindowHandles()) {
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);// 1 minute


<div class="msgBoxContainer">
<div id="msgBox1473308035532Image" class="msgBoxImage">
<img src="styles/images/confirm.png">
<div id="msgBox1473308035532Content" class="msgBoxContent">
<div id="msgBox1473308035532Buttons" class="msgBoxButtons">
<input id="msgBox1473308035532FirstButton" class="msgButton" type="button"  value="はい" name="はい">
<input class="msgButton" type="button" value="いいえ" name="いいえ">


// When click on OK button of first popup the respective div is destroy and new div getting generated for Second pop up

<div id="msgBox1473308225709" class="msgBox" style="background-image:     url("styles/images/msgBoxBackGround.png"); opacity: 1; top: 52.5px; left: 566.5px;">
<div class="msgBoxTitle">Information</div>
<div class="msgBoxContainer">
<div id="msgBox1473308225709Image" class="msgBoxImage">
<img src="styles/images/info.png">
<div id="msgBox1473308225709Content" class="msgBoxContent">
<div id="msgBox1473308225709Buttons" class="msgBoxButtons">
<input id="msgBox1473308225709FirstButton" class="msgButton" type="button"   value="はい" name="はい">


点击保存按钮后,您应该处理这些信息对话框框如下: -

After click on Save button you should handle these information dialog box as below :-

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,10);

//For first dialog box

//Now same as for second dialog box

注意: - 无需切换窗口,这些对话框是简单的HTML元素,因此您需要通过查找这些元素来正常处理它。

Note:- There is no need to switch window, these dialog box are simple HTML elements, So you need handle it normally by finding these elements.

Edited1 : - 如果您无法点击使用 WebElement.click()尝试使用 Actions 类在点击之前移动该元素,如下所示: -

Edited1 :- If you're unable to click using WebElement.click() try using Actions class to move that element before click as below :-

Actions act = new Actions(driver);

//For first dialog box
WebElement firstDialog = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.cssSelector("input.msgButton[id*='msgBox'][id*='FirstButton']")));

//Now same as for second dialog box
WebElement secondDialog = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.cssSelector("input.msgButton[id*='msgBox'][id*='FirstButton']")));

Edited2 : - 如果您仍然无法点击尝试使用 JavascriptExecutor 如下: -

Edited2:- If you're still unable to click try using JavascriptExecutor as below :-

//For first dialog box
WebElement firstDialog = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.cssSelector("input.msgButton[id*='msgBox'][id*='FirstButton']")));

//Now same as for second dialog box
WebElement secondDialog = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.cssSelector("input.msgButton[id*='msgBox'][id*='FirstButton']")));

这篇关于如何在selenium webdriver中从一个弹出窗口切换到另一个弹出窗口的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 08:07