


I'm trying to write code similar to the following:

let [a; b] =
  (* body *)
  [1; 2]

我只想对模式[a; b]禁用警告#8,而不对主体或除let外的任何东西禁用警告.我尝试将警告属性设置为禁用警告,但以下任何一项均无效:

And I want to disable warning # 8 just for the pattern [a; b] and not for the body or for anything outside of the let. I've tried to put the warning attribute to disable the warning, but none of the below work:

let[@warning "-8"] [a[@warning "-8"];b[@warning "-8"]] [@warning "-8"] =
  [1;2][@warning "-8"]
[@@ocaml.warning "-8"]


P.S. I'm not really writing this code, but am experimenting with a custom PPX preprocessor. So a convoluted but working example is acceptable.


4.06.0之前的OCaml版本不完全支持使用[@warning "…"][@@warning "…"]在本地禁用警告.对于这种版本,一种可能是使用enclosing [@@@warning ""]属性:

Local disabling of warnings with [@warning "…"] and [@@warning "…"]is not well supported for OCaml version anterior to 4.06.0 . For such version, one possibility might be to use enclosing[@@@warning ""] attribute:

[@@@warning "-8"]
let [a;b] = [1;2]
[@@@warning "+8"]


but this also deactivate the warning inside the body.

如果您正在生成代码并完全了解列表的大小,那么另一个选择可能是使用元组进行绑定(又名let (a,b)= …)?

If you are generating the code and know statiscally the size of the list, another option might be to use a tuple for the binding (aka let (a,b)= …)?


08-19 18:34