




  • Java内存模型如何表示及其特征?

  • How is the Java Memory Model represented and what are its characteristics?


How does Garbage Collection work in general and in the most common JVMs?


How do I test and tune my Java applications for performance?



  • 每个程序员应该了解的内存-Ulrich Drepper [ PDF]
  • Memory Basics

    • What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory - Ulrich Drepper [PDF]
      • Java虚拟机规范 [PDF HTML (针对Java SE)7]
      • The Java Virtual Machine Specification [PDF and HTML for Java SE 7]
      • 编程高级主题:Java内存模型-杰里米·曼森[视频]
      • 关于Java内存模型的资源集合-由Bill Pugh编辑和编译(收藏)
      • 热点虚拟机中的内存管理-Sun Microsystems(2006)[ PDF ]
      • 修复Java内存模型-Brian Goetz,IBM Java开发人员系列()[第1部分第2部分]
      • Advanced Topics in Programming: The Java Memory Model - Jeremy Manson [video]
      • Collection of Resources on the Java Memory Model - edited and compiled by Bill Pugh (collection)
      • Memory Management in the HotSpot Virtual Machine - Sun Microsystems (2006) [PDF]
      • Fixing the Java Memory Model - Brian Goetz, IBM Java Developer Series () [part 1, part 2]
      • 9 Fallacies of Java Performance - Ben Evans [video + slides]
      • JVM Performance Magic Tricks - Takipi [blog + slides]
      • Java and the Machine - Kirk Pepperdine, Martijn Verburg [video + slides]
      • Performance Testing Java Applications - Martin Thompson [video + slides]
      • Building Memory-Efficient Java Applications: Practices and Challenges - Mitchell, Sevitsky (2009) [PDF]
      • 优化Google的仓库规模计算机:NUMA体验-加利福尼亚大学和Google [ PDF ]
      • MegaPipe:可扩展网络I/O的新编程接口 [ Google文档]
      • 神话般的现代硬件获得机械同情" -马丁·汤普森[ PDF ](幻灯片)
      • 缓存:更有效地理解,衡量和使用您的CPU缓存-Richard Warburton[视频和幻灯片]
      • 一个JVM可以吗?!-悬崖单击[视频]
      • Optimizing Google’s Warehouse Scale Computers: The NUMA Experience - University of California & Google [PDF]
      • MegaPipe: A New Programming Interface for Scalable Network I/O [Google Doc]
      • Mythbusting modern hardware to gain "Mechanical Sympathy" - Martin Thompson [PDF](slides)
      • Caching in: understand, measure and use your CPU Cache more effectively - Richard Warburton[video + slides]
      • A JVM Does That?! - Cliff Click [video]
      • Hotspot Garbage Collection - Tuning Guide - Martijn Verburg, John Oliver [video, slides pt 1, slides pt 2]
      • Are your GC logs speaking to you, the G1GC edition [slides, video]
      • The Principles of Java Application Performance Tuning [article]
      • Everything I Ever Learned About JVM Performance Tuning @Twitter - Attila Szegedi [video & slides]
      • Visualizing Java GC - Ben Evans [video + slides]


07-29 15:51