

本文介绍了通过系统应用程序以编程方式静默安装 apk(无需 root)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有 android:sharedUserId="android.uid.system" (UID: 1000) 的系统级应用.

I have system-level app with android:sharedUserId="android.uid.system" (UID: 1000).

设备没有root!INSTALL_PACKAGES 权限包含在清单中.

Device is not rooted! INSTALL_PACKAGES permission is included to Manifest.

我可以静默安装下载的 *.apk 吗?

Can I install downloaded *.apk silently?



  1. 添加了android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES"权限.
  2. 我使用signapk.jar"和我从设备制造商处获得的证书签署了我的应用程序.
  3. 现在这个应用程序可以使用没有su"的pm install/.../app.apk"安装其他应用程序.
  1. Added "android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES" permission.
  2. I signed my application using "signapk.jar" with certificate that I`ve got from manufacturer of my device.
  3. And now this app can install others using "pm install /.../app.apk" without "su".


附言仅使用pm install"更新应用程序不会用新的应用程序替换现有应用程序,而是返回 exit_value = 0.因此更新有两种方法:

P.S. Updating application using just "pm install" doesn`t replace existing application with new one, but returns exit_value = 0. So to update there are two ways:

  • 使用pm install -r/.../app.apk";
  • 首先使用pm uninstall com.mydomain.myapp"删除应用程序(您需要android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"权限),然后安装新的应用程序.立>
  • use "pm install -r /.../app.apk";
  • firstly delete app using "pm uninstall com.mydomain.myapp" (you need "android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES" permission) and then install new one.

这篇关于通过系统应用程序以编程方式静默安装 apk(无需 root)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 15:27