

我正在考虑必须将许多大型文件从第三方系统转移到基于云的文件存储系统,例如Rackspace Cloudfiles或Amazon S3.但是,我不仅限于使用这两个.

I'm looking at having to transfer a lot of large files from a 3rd party system to a cloud based file storage system, such as Rackspace Cloudfiles or Amazon S3. I'm not limited to just using those two, however.


What I'm trying to find is a way to just let those services download the files directly, once provided with a public URL, in order to speed up the transfer and avoid having to setup something in the middle that relays each file.


Is there a service out there that has an option like this available via an API or a file list upload?


所有现代云(对象)存储服务均满足您的要求.例如,AWS S3支持在放置对象(上传文件)时将设置好的ACL设置为public.

All modem cloud (object) storage service meet your requirement, I think.For exmaple, AWS S3, supports set canned ACL to public when putting object (uploading file).



09-03 18:14