

我有一个chrome扩展程序,其中包含一个复杂的函数 comp_func(data),该函数通过执行许多按位运算会占用大量CPU.因此,我正在尝试使用WebAssembly.

I have a chrome extension that includes a complicated function comp_func(data) which takes a lot of CPU by performing many bitwise operations. Because of that, I'm trying to use WebAssembly.


I've tried to follow several tutorials, for example this one and this one.


fetch('simple.wasm').then(response =>
).then(bytes =>
  WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, importObject)
).then(results => {


我已经尝试了很多使用这种方法的方法,但是没有用.我不明白如何使用从 .wasm 文件加载的WebAssembly.

I've tried a lot to use this approach, but it didn't work. I can't understand how to use WebAssembly that is loaded from the .wasm file.


So I've tried an easier approach:The second link says to put that line in the html file:

<script src="index.js"></script>


and then just use the function exported:

var result = _roll_dice();

但是,我的扩展名是,所以我只有一个 background.html 文件.因此,我正在寻找一种方法来访问在后台文件中加载的模块.事情变得复杂了,因为是因为函数 comp_func(data)是从.

BUT, I'm in extension so I only have a background.html file.So I'm looking for a way to access the Module which was loaded in the background file.And things get complicated, because the function comp_func(data) is called from a Worker.


This is what I've tried so far:

如果我调用 chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage(),则可以访问模块但我无法将其发送给工作人员:

If I call chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage() I can access the Modulebut I can't send it to the Worker:



(I tried to un-circular it, didn't work...)

而且我无法从Worker调用 chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage(),因为我无法从那里访问chrome API.

And I can't call chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage() from the Worker because I can't access chrome API from there.


  1. 有人不愿意在chrome扩展程序中加载 .wasm 文件,并且可以正常工作吗?第二种方法(加载 js 文件)听起来更简单,但是如果您有使用该方法的可行示例,那就更好了.
  1. Did someone tired to load .wasm file in chrome extension and it worked?The second approach (loading the js file) is sound simpler but if you have a working example for this approach it will be great.

或2.如何访问已在 background.html 中加载的模块(来自第二个示例)?

or 2. how to access the Module that has been loaded in background.html (from the second example)?

或3.如何将我需要的功能从js文件传递给Worker(通过 postMessage )?

or 3. how to pass the functions that I needed from the js file to the Worker (via postMessage)?


编辑:我最终离开了WebAssembly的方法.我还将这个问题发布在 bugs-chromium 上,几个月后得到了答案.不知道这是否真的有效,但是也许,加上标记的答案,将对某人有所帮助.

EDIT:I eventually left the approach of WebAssembly.I also posted this question at bugs-chromium,and after few month got an answer. Not sure if this is really working, but maybe this, along with the marked answer, will help someone.



I've been fiddling with WebAssembly recently, and found a way to make it work. Here are the script files:


chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
 chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: "content_script.js"});


  var importObject = { imports: { imported_func: arg => console.log(arg) } };
  url = 'data:application/wasm;base64,' + "AGFzbQEAAAABCAJgAX8AYAAAAhkBB2ltcG9ydHMNaW1wb3J0ZWRfZnVuYwAAAwIBAQcRAQ1leHBvcnRlZF9mdW5jAAEKCAEGAEEqEAAL";
  WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch(url), importObject)
  .then(obj => obj.instance.exports.exported_func());


The data URL belongs to the common tutorial wasm sample (simple.wasm), which writes 42 on the console.

var importObject = {
   imports: {
    imported_func: function(arg) {

var response = null;
var bytes = null;
var results = null;

var wasmPath = chrome.runtime.getURL("simple.wasm");
fetch(wasmPath).then(response =>
    ).then(bytes =>
       WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, importObject)
        ).then(results => {

仅当您将代码文件包括在manifest.json的 web_accessible_resources 部分中时,

Only if you include the code files in the web_accessible_resources section in manifest.json, though:

    "web_accessible_resources": [

Github: https://github.com/inflatablegrade/Extension-with-WASM


07-29 15:01