


I need to port snprintf() to another platform that does not fully support GLibC.

我正在寻找Glibc 2.14源代码中的基础声明.我遵循许多函数调用,但是卡在vfprintf()上.然后,它似乎调用_IO_vfprintf(),但我找不到该定义.可能是宏混淆了事物.

I am looking for the underlying declaration in the Glibc 2.14 source code. I follow many function calls, but get stuck on vfprintf(). It then seems to call _IO_vfprintf(), but I cannot find the definition. Probably a macro is obfuscating things.


I need to see the real C code that scans the format string and calculates the number of bytes it would write if input buffer was large enough.

我也尝试在newlib 1.19.0中进行查找,但是我被卡在_svfprintf_r()上.我在任何地方都找不到定义.

I also tried looking in newlib 1.19.0, but I got stuck on _svfprintf_r(). I cannot find the definition anywhere.


Can someone point me to either definition or another one for snprintf()?


http://www.ijs他们称.si/software/snprintf/是snprintf的可移植实现,包括vsnprintf.c,asnprintf,vasnprintf,asprintf,vasprintf .也许可以帮上忙.

http://www.ijs.si/software/snprintf/ has what they claim is a portable implementation of snprintf, including vsnprintf.c, asnprintf, vasnprintf, asprintf, vasprintf. Perhaps it can help.


07-29 14:30