我想知道是否有人可以提供帮助.我们正在将 Spring Webflow 2 应用程序从使用基于 jsp 的视图层转换为基于 Thymeleaf 的视图.
I wonder if anyone can help. We are in the process of converting a Spring Webflow 2 application from using a jsp based view layer, to a Thymeleaf based view.
在大多数情况下,这是可以的,但现在我正在努力让 Thymeleaf 访问我们放入 servletContext
For this most part this is OK, but now I'm struggling to get Thymeleaf to access an object that we've put in the servletContext
因此,我们有一个对象作为 bean 的一部分放入 servletContext
(实现 ServletContextAware
和 InitializingBean
So, we have an object that is put in the servletContext
as part of a bean (implementing ServletContextAware
and InitializingBean
For the sake of simplicity, lets say it is a string:
public class ReferenceDataBuilder implements ServletContextAware, InitializingBean {
public void setServletContext(ServletContext p_context) {
p_context.setAttribute("referenceData", "test text" );
In our jsp based views, we can access the referenceData
object like this:
<p><c:out value="${referenceData}"/></p>
借助 Spring EL 的魔力,它知道它可以访问的各种范围(servletContext
By the magic of Spring EL, it knows the various scopes it has access to (servletContext
, flowScope
, flashScope
etc), and (I'm guessing?) searches each scope until it finds a matching property. The result is that:
<p>test text</p>
在我们的 thymeleaf 模板中,我们正在尝试做同样的事情:
In our thymeleaf template, we are trying to do the same thing:
<p th:text="${referenceData}"/></p>
But this simply returns an empty string. The view renders an empty string:
(但我认为 EL 实际上是作为空值返回的)
(but I think the EL is actually being returned as a null)
我很确定,如果 referenceData
对象是诸如 flowScope
或 flashScope
之类的范围的属性,这会起作用 - 但是它不是,它是 servletContext
I'm pretty sure that if the referenceData
object were a property of a scope such as flowScope
or flashScope
this would work - but its not, its a property of servletContext
有谁知道 thymeleaf 是否可以通过 EL 访问 servletContext
Does anyone know if thymeleaf can access the servletContext
via EL? Perhaps theres a different syntax I need to use?
您可以通过 #ctx 对象访问常用地图,该对象类型为 SpringWebContext.
You could access usual maps via the #ctx object, which is of type SpringWebContext.
例如,#ctx.locale、#ctx.httpServletRequest.contextPath、#ctx.servletContext 甚至 #ctx.applicationContext 对于 Spring applicationContext.
For example #ctx.locale, #ctx.httpServletRequest.contextPath, #ctx.servletContext or even #ctx.applicationContext for Spring applicationContext.
You could use direct method invocation
<p th:text="${#ctx.servletContext.getAttribute('referenceData')}">Whatever</p>
或 applicationAttributes 变量映射
or the applicationAttributes variables map
<p th:text="${#ctx.servletContext.applicationAttributes.referenceData}">Whatever</p>
或使用 Spring 隐式对象更简单的事件
or event simpler using Spring implicit object
<p th:text="${application.referenceData}">Whatever</p>
这篇关于Thymeleaf 可以访问 Spring servletContext 吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!