本文介绍了DDS vs AMQP vs ZeroMQ的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




I have been reseaching the three, Data Distribution Service, AMQP and ZeroMQ for sometime now for building a data transport layer in a datacenter. All the three look promising, yet i encountered some blocking issues in few.


To give a context, my requirements are:

  1. 最多可扩展到500多个物理节点,1000多个发布者和订户。

  2. 支持持久传递消息,以照顾失败的订户。

  3. 总吞吐量应在1百万条消息/秒以上


  1. 在整个部署设置中,Broker体系结构似乎是瓶颈和失败的中心点。我可以通过放置联合身份验证和群集来提高部署的复杂性,以提高待处理消息的性能和可用性,但它们似乎仍不能保证故障预防。

  2. 持久队列的性能似乎非常好减。我的示例应用程序只能为6-7K消息/核心/队列/应用程序计时。


  1. 文档似乎有点深入。

  2. 待处理消息的系统行为似乎引起麻烦在PUB / SUB通信模型中。请参考:

  1. The Documentation seems to be a little wanting in depth.
  2. The behavior of the system for pending messages seems to invite trouble in PUB/SUB model of communication. Please refer to : How zeromq handles slow consumers with PUB/SUB mode

OpenSplice DDS:

OpenSplice DDS:I didnt find anything lacking in the DDS protocol except for adoption in the industry. Will like to know a first hand review on this product in terms of stability, performance or limitations.


我为您感到惊讶有关采用OpenSplice DDS的问题。今天,OpenSplice DDS已部署在多个任务和关键业务系统上,例如海军作战管理系统,军用车辆,空中交通管制和管理,地铁,高频自动交易。只是为了给您更多信息,应该可以使您放心。在采用该技术后,EUROCAE已建议OMG DDS标准(由OpenSplice DDS实施的标准)在整个欧洲中心之间交换飞行数据计划。

I am surprised about your concerns on OpenSplice DDS adoption. OpenSplice DDS is today deployed on over several mission and business critical systems such as Naval Combat Management Systems, Military Vehicles, Air Traffic Control and Management, Metro, to High Frequency Auto-Trading. Just to give you another bit of info that should give you reassure you w.r.t. the adoption of the technology, the OMG DDS standard (the standard implemented by OpenSplice DDS) has been recommended by EUROCAE to exchange flight data plans across centers pan-european.


Let me know if you have any further questions either on the adoption or the technology.


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07-29 13:34