




I am looking into structuring vanilla web-components. I have previously used Polymer and like the fact that you can have the template, styles and JavaScript in one file for your component. I want to achieve this with 'vanilla' web components if possible but can't work out how. I've taken the code from here and added it to a file which I am using as follows:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

    <title>Component test</title>

    <link rel="import" href="x-foo-from-template.html">


This fails because when we try to select the template it does not exist because at that point the template is not in the DOM (right?).

有没有办法实现这个目标?我个人更喜欢这种方法在JavaScript中使用 document.createElement 创建HTML。

Is there any way to achieve this? I personally prefer this approach to creating the HTML in the JavaScript using document.createElement.



There are 2 main methods to get the template from the imported document:

1。来自< link> 元素的 import 属性

1. From the the import property of the <link> element

< link rel = import> 元素拥有包含导入文档的属性。
您可以执行 querySelector 调用来获取< template>

The <link rel=import> elements own an import property that contains the imported document.You can perform a querySelector call on it to fetch the <template>:

var doc = document.querySelector( 'link[href$="x-foo-from-template.html"]').import
var template = doc.querySelector( 'template' )

然后在自定义中导入模板元素(或在其Shadow DOM中)使用 importNode() cloneNode()

Then import the template in the custom element (or in its Shadow DOM) using either importNode() or cloneNode().

2。形成 currentScript的 ownerDocument 属性

解析脚本时,全局值引用正在解析的脚本,因此它的属性 ownerDocument 是对拥有该脚本的文档的引用。您可以对其执行 querySelector 调用:

When a script is parsed, the global value document.currentScript references the script being parsed, and therefore its propery ownerDocument is a reference to the document that owns the script. You can perform a querySelector call on it:

var template = document.currentScript.ownerDocument.querySelector( 'template' )

注意: currentScript 值设置为暂时,因此在后续调用中不再有效,例如 connectedCallback() attachedCallback(),因此您必须在解析时将其记忆在持久变量中,以便在以后需要时重复使用。

Note: the currentScript value is set temporarily, so it won't work any more in subsequent calls, like connectedCallback() or attachedCallback(), so you'll have to memorize it in a persistent variable at parse time, to reuse it later when needed.


07-29 13:33