本文介绍了在Swift 3中,如何将字典转换为Object?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



[I am new to Swift, I don't know is this possible or not, so please suggest me]


I have a dictionary (which is dynamic) like this:

let simpleHash = ["testA": "A", "testB": "B", "testC": "C"]


I want to convert this to an Object, so that I can access like:

simpleHash.testA // instead of simpleHash["testA"]


I have tried the below one, but it didn't help

let jsonData = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: simpleHash, options: .prettyPrinted)
let decoded = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData, options: [])


Can anyone please suggest me on this.Thanks in advance!



Swift will need an explicitly declared variable for testA so you will not be able to be 100% dynamic. But, since you need to use the variable in code, it will be known at some point. Given this and in the spirit of minimizing the declaration constraints, you could define a class that uses the dictionary as its internal storage and exposes the key values as computed properties.


class DictionaryBased
   var content:[String:Any]
   init(_ dictionary:[String:Any])
   { content = dictionary }

   func get<T>(_ key:String, _ defaultValue:T) -> T
   { return content[key] as? T ?? defaultValue }

   func set<T>(_ key:String, _ value:T)
   { content[key] = value }

class SimpleHash:DictionaryBased


With this, you can add computed properties as needed (and where needed) using extensions.

extension SimpleHash
  var testA:String { get { return get("testA", "") }  set { set("testA",newValue) } }
  var testB:String { get { return get("testB", "") }  set { set("testB",newValue) } }

  // if variables are "read-only", you don't need the set { } part
  var testC:String { get { return get("testC", "") }  }


You can add variables that are typed or not and support optionals or, (as above) provide default values.

extension SimpleHash
  var testD:Any?    { get { return get("testD", nil) }  set { set("testD",newValue) } }
  var testE:String? { get { return get("testE", nil) }  set { set("testE",newValue) } }
  var testF:Date?   { get { return get("testF", nil) }  set { set("testE",newValue) } }


To use this "dictionary based" object, you would need to create an instance at some point and give it the dictionary's content:

let simpleHash = SimpleHash(["testA": "A", "testB": "B", "testC": "C"])

simpleHash.testA  // "A"
simpleHash.testD  // nil


Note that, this isn't going to be as efficient as using native properties and mapping the dictionary to each physical variable. On the other hand, it is a lot less code so. If the variables are not referenced often, the extra overhead may be an acceptable trade off for simplicity and flexibility.

这篇关于在Swift 3中,如何将字典转换为Object?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 22:15