

本文介绍了高级PDF NetSuite-按公共字段值分组项目表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Is it possible to separate out one big item table into smaller item tables by grouping based upon a common value of a specific field?


For example, if the item record had a field called 'Category' and the list options was 'Category A', 'Category B' and 'Category C', could the table be separated into 3 smaller tables?



There is syntax in the Advanced PDF template engine that's something like:



I would recommend finding a PDF which does something similar to what you want and copy/edit the code to work for you.


However, with a bit of practice, I think you'll find it much easier to create PDF's with JavaScript and XML. I'm doing this from the top of my head, so some of it may be off. If you need help, or I've made an error, please don't hesitate to reach out.


The setup is a User Event, a Suitelet, and an XML file.

  1. 用户事件脚本,用于在视图模式下显示一个按钮,单击该按钮可打开Suitelet:
 * @NScriptType UserEvent
 * @NApiVersion 2.0 // 2.1 if you can

define(["N/anyLibrariesYouNeed"), function(anyLibrariesYouNeed) {
  function beforeLoad(context){
    if (context.type === "view") {
        id: "custpage_print_pdf",
        label: "Print PDF",
        functionName: 'window.open("link_to_suitelet")'

  return {beforeLoad: beforeLoad}
  1. 从上述用户事件打开的Suitelet,并将XML文件中的占位符文本替换为条件文本:
 * @NScriptType Suitelet
 * @NApiVersion 2.0 // 2.1 if you can

define(["N/file", "N/search", "N/anyLibrariesYouNeed"], function(file, search, anyLibrariesYouNeed) {
  function onRequest(context) {
    // Load the PDF, which is just an XML file
    var myPDF = file.load("path_to_your PDF").getContents();

    // Load the search
    var mySearch = search.load({id: "mySearchId"});

    // Do some stuff with the results ...
    var myResults = [];
      // ... like generate a </table> or group results with Lodash

    //Just make sure all the placeholder text in your XML (PDF) file is replaced. If it's not do ...
    myPDF = myPDF.replace("Placeholder", "With this");

    //Finally, render the PDF from XML using the bigfaceless engine provided by NetSuite. The setup for bigfaceless is in the XML file.
  return {onRequest: onRequest}
  1. 占位符XML文件,它使用 context.response.renderPdf(myPDF)
  2. 呈现为PDF
  1. Placeholder XML file which is rendered as a PDF using context.response.renderPdf(myPDF)
//big_face_less_tag_goes_here and something like DOCTYPE XML
      table tr th td {
        border: 1px solid black



Hope that helps. If you need help, just holler!

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07-29 13:19