




I am trying to do headless testing of my knockout viewmodels. I purposely avoid dealing with any ui constructs in my viewmodel and leave the wireup to the html page.

这在Jasmine中非常有效,因为它在浏览器中运行,但是当我切换到 mocha 时,我最终进入淘汰赛的最后一行是

This works great in Jasmine since it runs in the browser, but when I switch to mocha, I end up running head-first into the last line on knockout which is:

我已经看过使用 zombiejs ,这是一个不错的选择,但我看不到关于如何使用它而不改变淘汰源本身的好故事.

I've looked at using zombiejs which would be a nice alternative, but I don't see a good story on how to use it without changing the knockout source itself.


Any thoughts on how to approach this?



This is a topic currently on my radar as well. I'll dump my findings here in the hopes that they might point you in the right direction.

我首先尝试的可能路径是 PhantomJS .这是一款无头的WebKit浏览器,因此它应该具有出色的DOM,JSON,HTML5和CSS选择器支持(它.

The likely route I will attempt first will be PhantomJS. It's a headless WebKit browser, so it should have excellent DOM, JSON, HTML5, and CSS selectors support (it works with jQuery and qUnit, for example).


I chose this because it is used by knockout.js itself, which I discovered in the knockout.js repository, where there was a .travis.yml file and this comment:


I don't have any proof that this is going to work, but was encouraged by its use in knockout.js core. I also found this runner script for knockout/phantom that looks like a great launch point.

我还找到了 a 很少 示例通过node.js使用Mocha和PhantomJS,包括此库扩展了grunt 以便在Phantom内部运行mocha ,以及此脚本显示了如何在PhantomJS中运行摩卡.因此,至少这部分是确定的.

I've also found a few examples using Mocha and PhantomJS via node.js, including this lib extending grunt to run mocha inside Phantom, and this script showing how to run mocha inside PhantomJS. So that part is certain, at the very least.

注意到的另一种解决方案是使用淘汰节点 JsDOM 来创建可行的DOM,但是乍一看,这似乎太模糊了,很可能导致实现您自己的测试环境.

Another solution noted in the knockoutjs archives, is to use knockout-node and JsDOM to create a workable DOM, but at first glance, this seemed too nebulous and likely to result in implementing your own test environment.

有一个 slidedeck建议 zombie.js可以与剔除/node/etc一起使用.但是我找不到任何有力的证据,所以我也不喜欢这条路线.

There is a slidedeck suggesting zombie.js would work with knockout/node/etc. But I can't find anything offering hard evidence, so I didn't like this route either.


07-29 12:59