

本文介绍了针对FXML文档的Netbeans 8.2自动完成功能始终显示“无建议",而对于的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我第一次在Netbeans 8.2中创建了JavaFX项目,并且FXML文档的自动完成功能始终显示无建议".例如:

I created a JavaFX project in Netbeans 8.2 for the first time and autocomplete for FXML document is always showing "No suggestions". For example:

我看到了类似的问题,例如 Netbeans7.1&JavaFX 2.0-FXML代码完成不起作用,但是从那里提出的解决方案中我没有得到相同的结果(可能是因为Netbeans的版本不同).我需要怎么做才能在FXML文档中获得自动完成功能?谢谢!

I have seen a similar question, e.g. Netbeans7.1 & JavaFX 2.0 - FXML code completion doesn't work, but I am not getting the same results from the solution proposed there (possibly because the version of Netbeans is different). What do I need to do to get autocomplete in FXML documents? Thanks!


只是为了好玩,我为8.2版本的Java SE安装了Netbeans 8.1..fxml文件的代码完成可以在8.1中完美运行.接下来,我将尝试开发版本.

Just for fun I installed Netbeans 8.1 for Java SE alongside of version 8.2. The code completion for .fxml files works perfectly in 8.1. I'm going to try the development version next.

现在,我在Netbeans 8.2中称此错误.有机会时,我将创建一个错误报告.

Right now I am calling this bug in Netbeans 8.2. I'll create a bug report when I get a chance.

这篇关于针对FXML文档的Netbeans 8.2自动完成功能始终显示“无建议",而对于的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 12:38