

在此线程 FXML:替代用法中,我正在构建一个使用FXML进行加载的应用程序对象直接进入内存.

As in this thread FXML: Alternate Uses, I am building an application that uses FXML for loading objects into memory directly.

我已经成功设置了对象,可以轻松设置诸如hostNametypeNamemoto之类的特定属性,例如但是,在FXML中,您具有列表-就像ObservableList中保存的JavaFX UI元素的子节点一样.我在FXML中使用features(ObservableList)属性时遇到麻烦.给出错误UnsupportedOperationException: cannot determine type for property.如果它可以为BorderPane之类的其他对象提供支持,为什么它不能向列表中添加元素.

I have successfully setup objects where specific properties can be easily set like hostName, typeName, moto, e.g. But, in FXML you have lists - like child nodes of JavaFX UI elements held in a ObservableList. I am having trouble using a features (ObservableList) property in FXML. It gives an error that UnsupportedOperationException: cannot determine type for property. Why isn't it able to add elements to the list if it can for other objects like BorderPane.


由于ObservableList没有公共的具体类型,因此必须使用FXCollections工厂方法来获取实例.幸运的是,FXML旨在处理以下情况:通过使用fx:factory属性.您可以在fx:选项的信息. nofollow noreferrer> FXML简介| JavaFX 10 .

Because ObservableList has no public concrete types you have to use FXCollections factory methods to obtain an instance. Luckily, FXML was designed to handle cases like this: by using the fx:factory attribute. You can learn more about the different fx: options in Introduction to FXML | JavaFX 10.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?import javafx.collections.FXCollections?>

<FXCollections fx:factory="observableArrayList" xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/10.0.2"

    <!-- your children elements -->



The type of the element will be the type returned by the factory method declared by fx:factory. In this case, an ObservableList (backed by an ArrayList).


If you have a class defined with an ObservableList field (such as features) with an appropriate getter you should be able to do this:

        <!-- your feature elements -->


However, I am having trouble getting that to work. When I tried it only the first element was added to the ObservableList and I have no idea why (maybe it's a bug).


I managed to workaround this using:

    <ArrayList fx:id="tempList">
        <!--- your feature elements -->

        <fx:reference source="tempList"/>

使用 注释也出于某种原因.它一直告诉我没有默认属性" ...但是它确实存在!

I was also having issues using the DefaultProperty annotation as well for some reason. It kept telling me "doesn't have a default property"... but it does!

除了替代方法",您可以像其他任何属性一样简单地将其设置" ObservableList.或者,您可以(可能)结合使用FXML注释和fx:id.

Other than the "workaround" you could simply have it "set" the ObservableList just like any other property. Or you could (probably) use an FXML annotation in combination with fx:id.


07-29 12:37