

我正在寻找Oracle FXML规范,参考手册或只是用户指南.我遇到过很多使用文字名称的书籍和博客,而在Google,Stackoverflow,Wikipdeia或JavaFX页面上没有任何内容可以链接到此类文档.我最近到达的是一种帮助页面:

I am looking for the Oracle FXML specification, reference manual or just user guide. I've come across quite a few books and blogs using the literal name, and nothing on Google, Stackoverflow, Wikipdeia or the JavaFX pages to link with such a document. The nearest I've come is a kind of help page:


A similar stackoverflow question:

之所以拥有几票,是因为这些链接对您有所帮助,因此我不再重复.引用的主要参考文献是 JavaFX API JavaDoc ,绝对不是我要找的东西,因为处理JavaFX类仅仅是谈论将标签作为对象.

Has a few votes because the links are helpful so I'm not repeating them. The main reference cited is the JavaFX API JavaDoc which is decidedly not what I'm looking for because working off the JavaFX classes is only an talk about a tag as an object.

我正在寻找FXML规范,以了解标签的含义,组合规则等.不仅限于标签可以建模的类中实现的内容.我还认为,如果那里有带有"FXML规范"一词的书籍,博客和会议论文,那么该文档应该退出. 不是吗?

I'm seeking the FXML specification for what's tags mean, what are the combination rules, etc. Not just what's implemented in the classes a tag may model. I also feel that if there's books and blogs and conference papers out there with the term, "FXML Specification" in them, such a document ought to exit. Not so?



Sorry to say, but those two links are the best you can get.


The Introduction to FXML describes (somewhat badly) what is possible in FXML and what special tags can be used.

JavaDoc 列出了可以使用的元素以及它们可以具有的属性.

The JavaDoc lists which elements can be used and what properties they can have.


There is no other specification for FXML.


07-29 12:35