




for some time now, on my 2nd development machine VS2012 is not showing any (XML-)documentation for system/GAC/built-in assemblies. E.g., when I jump to a built-in Type that resides in mscorlib.dll, there is no documentation (see screenshot). If I include my own assemblies (that are accompanied by their respective XMLs) I can see the full doc. I tried resetting Intellisense but that didn't help. This is how it looks:

(将扩展注释的每个成员上的加号完全丢失,并且ctrl + space也不显示任何内容)

(The pluses over each member that would expand the comment are totally missing and ctrl+space doesn't show anything either)



The most likely cause for this problem is the XML documentation for mscorlib is not installed in the same location as the mscorlib reference assembly. The best way to check for this

  • 扩展文件顶部的区域
  • 它将包含C#正在使用的程序集的完整路径.例如

  • 在资源管理器中打开该目录
  • 检查mscorlib.xml
  • 如果文件不存在,则看起来参考程序集无法正确安装文档.您可以从另一台计算机复制它或修复Visual Studio安装

    If the file is not there then it looks like the reference assemblies failed to properly install documentation. You could just copy it from another machine or repair the Visual Studio installation


07-29 12:29