




I know that in programming it is important to keep things simple and be able to be changed. So to me that means it is important to use different files and functions and to keep them separate to easier isolate faults and improve readability.

我是 C 的新手,我不明白如何做到这一点.我有我的 nodeTest.h

I am new to C and I don't understand how to do this. I have my nodeTest.h

 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>

 struct nodeTest
     int data;
     struct nodeTest* next;



Then I have another file trying to call that struct

 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "nodeTest.h"

 nodeTest* first = (nodeTest*)malloc(sizeof(nodeTest));

我收到一条错误消息,说 nodeTest 未声明(不在功能中).这是什么意思,为什么我不能使用 include 来包含 struct 或 typedef?

I am getting an error saying that nodeTest is undeclared(not in function). What does that mean and why can I not use include to include a struct or typedef?


你必须使用 struct NodeTest 而不是 NodeTest.

You have to use struct NodeTest instead of NodeTest.

那是因为 C 区分了三个命名空间:

Thats because C differentiates three namespaces:

  • 结构的命名空间.
  • 类型别名的命名空间(类型名称).
  • 枚举和联合的命名空间.


So everywhere you want to use an struct, you have to specify the compiler that name refers to an struct. For example:

int main()
    struct NodeTest node;


One workaround to that problem is to specify an alias to that struct, to "add" the struct to the types namespace:

typedef NodeTest NodeTestType;

int main()
    NodeTestType node; //OK


Or using the common idiom, declare directly the struct as an alias:

typedef struct { ... } NodeTest;


Note that what this sentence does is to make an alias named NodeTest to an unnamed structyou have declared in the same instruction.
One problem of this approach is that you cannot use the type inside the struct, because its not declared yet. You could workaround it naming the struct:

 typedef struct nodeTest //<-- Note that the struct is not anonimous
     int data;
     struct nodeTest* next;
 } nodeTest;


07-29 12:20