


To multiply a number by any any multiple of 2, I'll shift it those many times.


Is there any such technique to multiply a number by 10 in less cycles?


80286没有随80386一起推出的桶形移位器.根据Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.0文档(1987)中的时序表, SHL reg,immed8 需要5个n周期,而 SHL reg, 1 需要2个周期. ADD reg,reg MOV reg,reg 一样,需要2个周期. IMUL reg16,immed 需要21个周期.因此,最快的乘以十的方法似乎是:

The 80286 did not have a barrel shifter, that was introduced with the 80386. According to the timing tables in the Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.0 documentation (1987), SHL reg, immed8 takes 5+n cycles, whereas SHL reg, 1 takes 2 cycles. ADD reg, reg takes 2 cycles, as does MOV reg, reg. IMUL reg16, immed takes 21 cycles. Therefore, the fastest way to multiply by ten would appear to be:

           ;       // cycles
shl ax, 1  ; *2    // 2
mov bx, ax ; *2    // 4
shl ax, 1  ; *4    // 6
shl ax, 1  ; *8    // 8
add ax, bx ; *10   // 10


           ;      // cycles
mov bx, ax ; *1   // 2
shl ax, 1  ; *2   // 4
shl ax, 1  ; *4   // 6
add ax, bx ; *5   // 8
shl ax, 1  ; *10  // 10



08-15 03:45