

我要寻找一种方式来开始在我的应用程序在Android手机和耳机之间的音频连接。这样做是为了简化以这样的方式连接过程,用户不必经过不同的设置菜单了(应用程序 - >设置 - >无线和Networs - >蓝牙设置)。

I am looking for a way to initiate the audio connection between the Android phone and my headset within my application. The idea is to simplify the connection process in such a way that the user doesn't have to go through the different settings menus anymore (Apps -> Settings -> Wireless & Networs -> Bluetooth settings).


Both devices are supposed to be already paired and the Bluetooth address of the headset to be known.

据我了解,蓝牙功能(可自Android SDK的2.0版本)仅限于蓝牙发现和RFCOMM通道(主机/客户端)的Andr​​oid手机和蓝牙设备之间的连接。有另一种方式到Android系统上要求的蓝牙配置文件,以启动从一个应用程序到已知设备的连接,或者这是不可能的?

As far as I learned, the Bluetooth capabilities (available since version 2.0 of the Android SDK) are restricted to Bluetooth discovery and the connection of RFComm channels (host/client) between the Android phone and a Bluetooth device. Is there another way to request Bluetooth profiles on the Android system to initiate a connection to a known device from an app or is this impossible?



Have you looked at the BluetoothAdapter class? It seems like you can do everything you need via that class, unless I misunderstand the question.


As for initiating a connection to a specific device, won't the phone auto-pair with the known device once you enable bluetooth?


09-05 16:26