我在jersery servlet中有这个方法签名。正在到达servlet,表单数据存在于uploadedInputStream对象中,但是流没有从中删除HTTP工件。
$ b $ p
@Produces(text / plain)
@Consumes(MediaType .MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)
public String uploadFileIE(
@FormDataParam(qqfile)InputStream uploadedInputStream){
$ b当保存到一个文件中时,输入流有这些围绕字节数据的工件:
----------------------------- 7dc1f42e3005a8
Content-Disposition:form-data; name =qqfile; filename =[filename]
Content-Type:application / octet-stream
------ ----------------------- 7dc1f42e3005a8--
这些工件不应该在这个时候被移除吗?有没有简单的方法可以删除它们,而不必重新发明轮子? 解决方案
@Produces(text / plain)
@Consumes( MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)
public String uploadFileIE(
@FormDataParam(qqfile)InputStream uploadedInputStream,
@FormDataParam(qqfile)FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail){
I have this method signature in a jersery servlet. The servlet is being reached and the form data is present in the uploadedInputStream object, but the stream does not have the http artifacts removed from it. See below.
public String uploadFileIE(
@FormDataParam("qqfile") InputStream uploadedInputStream ){
When saved to a file, the input stream has these artifacts surrounding the byte data:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="qqfile";filename="[filename]"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
[bytes from data stream]
Shouldn't these artifacts be removed already at this point? Is there any easy way to remove them without re-inventing the wheel?
With Jersey you need to 'consume' the extra header information with a FormDataContentDisposition object. Messy but necessary:
public String uploadFileIE(
@FormDataParam("qqfile") InputStream uploadedInputStream,
@FormDataParam("qqfile") FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail){