本文介绍了在Spring Rest中等效于@Context UriInfo的内容的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我之前在Jersey和RESTEasy框架中工作过,现在我们将Spring Rest用于一个新项目,我不想将所有查询参数和矩阵参数作为方法中的参数传递,通常我会进行注释使用@Context UriInfo的方法,并且将获取我在Jersey或RESTEasy Framework中的方法中用于复杂参数的所有参数.

I have worked in Jersey and RESTEasy framework earlier and now we will be using Spring Rest for a new project , I don't want to pass all the query params and matrix params as parameters in the method , and usually I would annotate the method with @Context UriInfo and would get all the parameters inside my method in Jersey or RESTEasy Framework for complex parameters.

我想知道Spring REST中是否有任何@Context UriInfo,类似于RESTEasy或Jersey框架.我想获取方法内部的所有查询参数或矩阵参数以及其他参数,而不是将它们作为方法中的参数传递.

I would like to know if there is any @Context UriInfo in Spring REST, which is similar to RESTEasy or Jersey Framework. I would like to get all the query params or matrix params and other params if any inside the method instead of passing them as a parameter in the method.


我没有找到与UriInfo等效的任何Spring类.但是我们可以从httpservlet请求中获取相同的信息.假设网址是http:localhost:8080/services/test?one = 1& two = 2,那么

I did not find any spring class equivalent to UriInfo.But we can take same info from httpservlet request. Suppose, a url is http:localhost:8080/services/test?one=1&two=2, then,

    hsr.getServletContext.getContextPath() gives "/services"
    hsr.getRequestURI() gives "/services/test"
    hsr.getRequestURL() gives complete url "http:localhost:8080/services/test"
    hsr.getQueryString() gives "one=1&two=2"
    hsr.getServletPath() gives "/test"
    hsr.getParameterMap() gives all query strings in a Map as key value pair


You can set and use these values in URIinfo object

这篇关于在Spring Rest中等效于@Context UriInfo的内容的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-28 07:03