

我试图掌握如何识别强保留周期,并要求我使用[weak/unowned self].我已经被不必要地使用[weak/unowned self]烧死了,并且在我有机会使用它之前立即将自身释放了.

I am trying to grasp how I can recognize when a strong retain cycle is possible and requires me to use [weak/unowned self]. I've been burned by unnecessarily using [weak/unowned self] and the self was deallocated immediately before giving me a chance to use it.


For example, below is an async network call that refers to self in the closure. Can a memory leak happen here since the network call is made without storing the call it self into a variable?

NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(NSURL(string: url)!) {
  (data, response, error) in
  self.data = data


Here's another example using the NSNotificationCenter, where a call can be made later asynchronously:

        UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotification, object: nil, queue: nil) {
            [unowned self] _ in

我的问题是,在什么情况下可能会发生强大的保留周期?如果我要在闭包中进行引用self的异步调用或静态调用,是否会使它成为[weak/unowned self]的候选对象?感谢您对此发表意见.

My question is in what cases is a strong retain cycle possible? If I am making an asynchronous call or static call that references self in a closure, does that make it a candidate for [weak/unowned self]? Thanks for shedding any light on this.




The retain cycle can happen in two cases.



When two instances hold a strong reference to each other. You have to solve this by marking one of them as weak.

案例2 :(与您的问题有关)


If you assign a closure to a property of a class instance and the body of that closure captures the instance.

在您的两个示例中,根本不需要使用弱自我,因为NSNotificationCenterNSURLSession是类实例的属性. (或者换句话说,您没有对它们的强烈引用)

In your two examples, no need to use weak self at all as NSNotificationCenter nor NSURLSession are properties to your class instance. (Or in other meaning, you don't have strong references to them)


Check this example where I have to use weak self:

[self.mm_drawerController setDrawerVisualStateBlock:^(MMDrawerController *drawerController, MMDrawerSide drawerSide, CGFloat percentVisible) {

    if (drawerSide == MMDrawerSideRight && percentVisible == 1.0) {
        [weakself showOverlayBgWithCloseButton:YES];

        [weakself hideOverlayBg];


I have a strong reference to mm_drawerController and I assign a closure to it right?. inside this closure I want to capture self. So the closure will have a strong reference to self !! which is a disaster. In that case you will have a retain cycle. To break this cycle, use weak self inside the closure.


07-28 06:54