



这个问题遵循。我试图了解 merge 做的过程,以避免发生不必要的错误。

我有两个分支: b 。我看到了做一个奇怪的结果 git merge 。您可以在合并之前看到输出git log ,在这里:

  * 148c970(HEAD,master)将master中的1重命名为1_master 
| * ad18d9b(b)将b中的1重命名为1_b
| /
* 15cd89b在主

因此,我在 master b中有一个名为 1 的文件。然后在 master 中将其重命名为 1_master ,并将其重命名为 1_b in b 。然后我做了 git merge

  git merge b 

我猜这会导致冲突,因为合并基数必须是 15cd89b 并且两个分支都对 1 进行了更改,它们不匹配。 但是合并不会导致任何错误冲突,合并后我看到 1_b 1_master in工作目录。



  $ mkdir rename -ex 
$ cd rename-exp /
$ git init
$ cat>中初始化的空Git存储库。 1

$ cat> 2
$ git add。
$ git commit -m初始
[master(root-commit)a4b6f52] initial
创建模式100644 1
create模式100644 2

接下来,我创建分支 b 并重命名。请注意,我是否使用 git mv mv 进行重命名,然后是 git rm --cached git add (但 git mv 更容易,所以我用它)。但是,重要的是git能够检测到重命名。这要求文件完全匹配100%(简单情况)或匹配至少50%(该阈值可以调整,但50%是默认值),当diff-ed git merge 时,旧名称( 1 )在两棵树中不再存在。

  $ git checkout -bb 
$ git mv 1 1_b
$ git commit -m'在分支b'中重命名1到1_b
[b cc104b1]在分支中重命名1到1_b b
1个文件已更改,0个插入(+),0个删除( - )
重命名1 => 1_b(100%)

然后,我使用不同的名称目标在 master

  $ git checkout master 
切换到分支' master'
$ git mv 1 1_master
$ git commit -m'将master 1'重命名为1_master'
[master b891757]将master 1中的1重命名为1_master
更改了1个文件, 0个插入(+),0个删除( - )
重命名1 =>> 1_master(100%)

最后,我运行 git merge $ b $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CONFLICT(重命名):重命名1 - > HEAD分支中的1_master在b中重命名1 - >1_b



  • 合并期间 -X重命名阈值的任何参数如何调整50%的默认值);
  • 来自的值
  • 如果没有 merge.renameLimit 来自 git config --get diff.renameLimit 的值c>。

This question follows this topic. I am trying to understand what merge do to avoid unwanted mistakes during it.

I have two branches:master,b. I saw an strange result of doing git merge. You can see output of git log before merging, here:

* 148c970 (HEAD, master) rename 1 in master to 1_master
| * ad18d9b (b) rename 1 in b to 1_b
* 15cd89b add 1 in master

So I had a file with name 1 in master and b. Then rename it in master to 1_master and to 1_b in b. Then I did git merge:

git merge b

I guess it causes a conflict, because merge base must be 15cd89b and both branches introduce changes on 1, which they don't match.

But merging did not cause any conflict and after merging I saw both 1_b and 1_master in working directory.


I think both torek and twalberg in linked answers forecast conflict in above situation.


If I attempt to reproduce your issue I get a rename/rename conflict, as I would expect. First, I created a repository and some files (with unique contents):

$ mkdir rename-exp
$ cd rename-exp/
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/torek/tmp/rename-exp/.git/
$ cat > 1
This is file "1" in its initial state.
The file is being used
for a test of what happens with
a rename vs rename conflict
in Git.
The file needs some contents
so that git can detect the
rename when we actually
do the rename.
$ cat > 2
This is file "2".
We give it some contents
so that it has a unique SHA-1.
$ git add .
$ git commit -m initial
[master (root-commit) a4b6f52] initial
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 1
 create mode 100644 2

Next, I create branch b and rename. Note that it will not matter whether I do the rename with git mv or with mv followed by git rm --cached and git add (but git mv is easier, so I use it). It is, however, important that git be able to detect the rename. This requires that either the files match 100% exactly (the easy case) or that they match "at least 50%" (this threshold can be adjusted, but 50% is the default) when diff-ed and that the old name (1) is no longer present in both trees at the time of the git merge.

$ git checkout -b b
Switched to a new branch 'b'
$ git mv 1 1_b
$ git commit -m 'rename 1 to 1_b in branch b'
[b cc104b1] rename 1 to 1_b in branch b
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename 1 => 1_b (100%)

Then I do the same rename, with a different name-target, in master:

$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
$ git mv 1 1_master
$ git commit -m 'rename 1 to 1_master in master'
[master b891757] rename 1 to 1_master in master
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename 1 => 1_master (100%)

Finally, I run git merge:

$ git merge b
CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename "1"->"1_master" in branch "HEAD" rename "1"->"1_b" in "b"
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

You'll need to show your steps (and perhaps your git version as well) in order for me to see why your merge thought each change was delete-and-create (with non-conflicting creates) rather than rename.

Other variables that affect this:

  • any argument to -X rename-threshold during the merge (this is how you tune the 50% default);
  • the value from git config --get merge.renameLimit
  • the value from git config --get diff.renameLimit, if there is no setting for merge.renameLimit.


07-28 06:48