




What's a good way to fill in a vector of structs in Rust where:

  • 大小是动态的,但在当时是已知的

  • 不会首先将内存初始化为虚拟值。

  • 不会在内存已满时重新分配内存。
  • li>
  • 在此示例中,向量的所有成员总是 初始化。

  • The size is dynamic, but known at the time of initialization.
  • Doesn't first initialize the memory to a dummy value.
  • Doesn't re-allocate memory as its filled.
  • In this example, all members of the vector are always initialized.
    (In keeping with Rusts assurance of no undefined behavior).


  • Doesn' t索引检查每个索引访问

  • 不需要不安全

  • Doesn't index check each index access
    (since the size is known when declaring the vector this should be possible).
  • Doesn't require unsafe
    (Not sure if this is reasonable, however the compiler _could_ detect that all values are always filled, allowing such logic in an unsafe block).


struct MyStruct *create_mystruct(const uint n) {
    struct MyStruct *vector = malloc(sizeof(*vector) * n);
    for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        /* any kind of initialization */
        initialize_mystruct(&vector[i], i);
    return vector;

我正在移植一些C代码,该代码在一个简单的循环中填充了一个数组,所以我想知道是否有 Rustic 方法以零或至少最小的开销执行这样的常见任务?

I'm porting over some C code which fills an array in a simple loop, so I was wondering if there was a Rustic way to perform such a common task with zero or at least minimal overhead?


If there are typically some extra checks needed for the Rust version of this code, what's the nearest equivalent?



struct MyStruct(usize);

fn create_mystructs(n: usize) -> Vec<MyStruct> {

在安全的Rust中初始化没有意义,因为您需要具有访问未初始化值的能力,这是不安全的。 方法可以在收集到容器中时使用,以确保进行最少数量的分配。

"Initializing" doesn't make sense in safe Rust because you'd need to have the ability to access the uninitialized values, which is unsafe. The Iterator::size_hint method can be used when collecting into a container to ensure that a minimum number of allocations is made.


Basically, I'd trust that the optimizer will do the right thing here. If it doesn't, I'd believe that it eventually will.


07-28 06:39