

我有与C ++代码交互的C#代码,该代码执行字符串操作.

I have C# code that interacts with C++ code, which performs operations with strings.


I have this piece of code in a static helper class:

internal static unsafe byte* GetConstNullTerminated(string text, Encoding encoding)
    int charCount = text.Length;
    fixed (char* chars = text)
        int byteCount = encoding.GetByteCount(chars, charCount);
        byte* bytes = stackalloc byte[byteCount + 1];
        encoding.GetBytes(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount);
        *(bytes + byteCount) = 0;
        return bytes;


As you can see, it returns a pointer to the bytes created with the stackalloc keyword.
However from the C# Specifications 18.8:


Does it mean that the pointer is actually invalid as soon as the method returns?


byte* bytes = StringHelper.GetConstNullTerminated(value ?? string.Empty, Encoding);
DirectFunction(NativeMethods.SCI_SETTEXT, UIntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr) bytes);


int byteCount = encoding.GetByteCount(chars, charCount);
byte[] byteArray = new byte[byteCount + 1];
fixed (byte* bytes = byteArray)
    encoding.GetBytes(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount);
    *(bytes + byteCount) = 0;
return byteArray;


And use fixed again on the array returned, to pass the pointer to the DirectFunction method?


I'm trying to minimise the number of fixed usages (including the fixed statements in other overloads of GetByteCount() and GetBytes() of Encoding).

tl; dr

  1. 方法返回后指针是否立即无效?在传递给DirectFunction()时是否无效?


If so, what is the best way to use the fewest fixed statements to achieve the task?



Yes, it is technically invalid - although it almost certainly won't be detected. This scenario is self-inflicted via unsafe. Any action on that memory now has undefined behavior. Anything you do, but in particular calling methods, may randomly overwrite that memory - or not - depending on the relative stack-frame sizes and depth.


This scenario is specifically one of the ones that the proposed future ref changes hope to target, meaning: allowing stackalloc into ref (rather than a pointer), with the compiler knowing that it is a stack-referring ref or ref-like type, and thus disallowing ref-return of that value.


Ultimately, the moment you type unsafe you're saying "I take full responsibility if this goes wrong". In this case, it is indeed wrong.

在离开该方法之前使用指针 是有效的,因此一种可行的方法可能是(假设您想要一个相当通用的API)以允许调用方传递一个委托或接口,该委托或接口指定调用者希望您使用指针的内容,即

It is valid to use the pointer before leaving the method, so one viable approach might be (assuming yo want a fairly general purpose API) to allow the caller to pass in a delegate or interface that specifies what the caller wants you to do with the pointer, i.e.

StringHelper.GetConstNullTerminated(value ?? string.Empty, Encoding,
    ptr => DirectFunction(NativeMethods.SCI_SETTEXT, UIntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr) ptr));


unsafe delegate void PointerAction(byte* ptr);
internal static unsafe void GetConstNullTerminated(string text, Encoding encoding,
    PointerAction action)
    int charCount = text.Length;
    fixed (char* chars = text)
        int byteCount = encoding.GetByteCount(chars, charCount);
        byte* bytes = stackalloc byte[byteCount + 1];
        encoding.GetBytes(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount);
        *(bytes + byteCount) = 0;


Note also that very large strings may cause you to stack-overflow.


07-28 06:39