



I need to convert radians to degrees but I keep getting errors when implementing it into my code. I'm sure there is something simple I am missing but I just can't get what it is.

What I have tried:

package methods;
 * @author stephenwessels
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Methods
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
    public int rad2deg()
        int deg;
        int rads;
        deg = in.nextInt();
        rads = in.nextInt();
        return deg;

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args)
       Scanner in2 = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println("This caluclator requires you to enter a function and a number.\n The functions are as follows:\n S - sine \n C - cosine \n T - tangent \n R - Square Root"
                + "\n N - natural log \n X 0 - Exit Program \n \n Please enter a function then a value.");

        String input = in2.nextLine().toUpperCase();

        char operation = input.charAt(0);

        String sValue = input.substring(2);

        double dNum = Double.parseDouble(sValue);

        while(!"X 0".equals(input))
            case 'S':
                double sine = Math.sin(dNum);
                System.out.println("The sine of your number is " + sine);
                System.out.println("The sine of your number in degrees is " + deg);
             case 'C':
                double cosine = Math.cos(dNum);
                System.out.println("The cosine of your number is " + cosine);
                System.out.println("The cosine of your number in degrees is " + deg);
             case 'T':
                double tangent = Math.tan(dNum);
                System.out.println("The tangent of your number is " + tangent);
                System.out.println("The tangent of your number in degrees is " + deg);
             case 'R':
                double Sq = Math.sqrt(dNum);
                System.out.println("The square root of your number is " + Sq);
             case 'N':
                double log = Math.log(dNum);
                System.out.println("The double log of your number is " + log);
                input = in2.nextLine().toUpperCase();
        System.out.println("Thanks for using the calculator.");



public class JavaApplication26 {
    static int deg;  // declare it here
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

之间,函数 rad2deg 在哪里被调用?

Between, where did function rad2deg get called ?


07-28 06:13