




hey guys i seen console apps print colors and seen apps such as ffmpeg print text over itself instead of a new line. How do i print over an existing line? i want to display fps in my console app either at the very top or very bottom and have regular printfs go there and scroll normally


-edit-I need this for windows but this is meant to be cross platform so i'll eventually have a linux and mac implementation



There is two simple possibilities which work on linux as well as windows, but only for one line:

  • printf b); 将返回一个字符,所以你可能会计算你要退格的字符数量,并在循环中触发,或者你知道你只写n个数字, > printf(\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b);

  • printf(要被下一个printf \r覆盖的文本); 这将使光标返回线,所以任何下一个printf都会覆盖它。请确保写入相同长度或更长的字符串,以便完全覆盖。

  • printf("\b"); will return for one character, so you might count how many character you want to backspace and fire this in a loop, or you know that you only write n numbers and do it like
  • printf("text to be overwritten by next printf\r"); this will return the cursor to the beginning of the line, so any next printf will overwrite it. Make sure to write a string of same length or longer so you overwrite it entirely.


If you want to rewrite several lines, there is nothing so portable as ncurses, there is libs for it on practically every operating system, and you don't have to take care of the ANSI-differences.


edit: added link to ncurses wikipedia page, gives great overview and introduction, as well as link list and maybe a translation to your preferred language


07-28 06:12