本文介绍了如何在管道步骤中使用 Jenkins 侧边栏链接插件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发这个插件 https://plugins.jenkins.io/sidebar-link/ 在 jenkins 侧边栏中添加链接.该插件适用于 jenkins 项目配置.现在我正在尝试添加一个管道步骤来调用这个插件.

I'm working on this plugin https://plugins.jenkins.io/sidebar-link/ to add a link in jenkins side bar. This plugin works with jenkins project configuration. Now I'm trying to add a pipeline step to call this plugin.


I already try lines of code below but it's not working

sidebarLinks {
            link("my_url", "the title", 'image path')

我已经阅读了这方面的主题,但没有找到接受的回复.我认为 jenkins 插件没有很好的文档记录.

I already read thread on this but no accepted responses found.I think that jenkins plugin are not well documented.


Does anybody know how can I use it with pipeline?


我正在使用一个用 Groovy 编写的共享库.该库包含所有管道方法.

I'm using a shared library written in Groovy. This library holds all pipeline methods.

@Library('[email protected]') _
pipeline {
   stages {
      stage('Add side link') {
            steps {

共享库方面,我有一个 addLink.groovy 文件.

Shared library side, I've an addLink.groovy file.

def call(){

    properties {
        sidebarLinks {
            link("url", 'Title', 'icon_path')


错误:<-:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:无法实例化{properties=org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsClosure2@6b5322b}对于 JobPropertyStep


要了解如何在声明式管道中执行某些操作,您可以使用位于 http://JENKINS_URL/directive-generator/的指令生成器.这提供了一个类似于作业配置的用户界面.然而,在选择选项"时,->添加"->侧边栏链接"->填写字段->生成",由于内部服务器错误,不会生成任何内容.

To find out how to do something in Declarative Pipeline, you can use the Directive Generator at http://JENKINS_URL/directive-generator/. This provides a user interface similar to the Job Configuration. However upon selecting "options" -> "Add" -> "sidebarLinks" -> fill in fields -> "Generate", nothing will be generated due to an internal server error.


The following Declarative Pipeline syntax works for a single job:

pipeline {
    agent any

    options {
            [displayName: 'Side Bar Example', iconFileName: '', urlName: 'http://example.com']

    stages {
        stage('Hello') {
            steps {
                echo 'Hello World'

但是,您提到您希望通过使用共享管道库在不同的作业中重用这些链接.不幸的是,共享管道库 不能修改 options 部分,除了在单个 def call() 中生成整个 pipeline { }.

However, you mentioned that you want to reuse these links in different jobs through use of a Shared Pipeline Library. Unfortunately, Shared Pipeline Libraries can not modify the options section of a Declarative Pipeline, with the exception of generating your entire pipeline { } in a single def call().

幸运的是,脚本化管道可以覆盖配置的那部分.使用 http://JENKINS_URL/pipeline-syntax/上的代码段生成器,您可以生成以下代码,您可以将其放入共享管道库中,例如在 var/mySidebar.groovy:

Fortunately, Scripted Pipeline can override that part of a configuration. Using the Snippet Generator at http://JENKINS_URL/pipeline-syntax/, you can generate the following bit of code that you can put in a Shared Pipeline Library, e.g. in var/mySidebar.groovy:

def call() {
            displayName: 'My fancy sidebar url', iconFileName: '', urlName: 'https://example.com'


You can then use that in either a scripted pipeline:



node() {
    stage('Hello') {
        sh 'echo "Hello World!"'

或声明性管道的 script 块:

Or a script block of a Declarative Pipeline:


script {

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('Hello') {
            steps {
                echo 'Hello World'

这篇关于如何在管道步骤中使用 Jenkins 侧边栏链接插件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-28 05:30