本文介绍了EC2 - 新鲜PHP安装 - 邮件无法正常工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am getting familiar with Amazons EC2. I installed a LAMP setup but when I try to send emails through the mail() function that I have in my pages it does not work. I checked and sendmail is running and is on the phpinfo page.

我试图改变在php.ini sendmail_from,它什么都不做。 SMTP端口的防火墙...即时刻着失去了..打开

I have tried changing the php.ini sendmail_from and it does nothing. SMTP port is open on the firewall... im freakin lost..



This won't directly solve your issue (edit: I mean the error message you have now edited out), but Amazon EC2 instances have a really spotty mail reputation. You're probably going to have deliverability issues.

值得庆幸的是亚马逊创建的简单电子邮件服务一起去EC2,以服务为EC2的客户提供免费的水平。 API是pretty的简单,有许多优秀的PHP邮件库传输适配器,如 SwiftMailer (的)。

Thankfully Amazon created the Simple Email Service to go along with EC2, with a free level of service for EC2 customers. The API is pretty simple and there are transport adapters for many excellent PHP mailing libraries, like SwiftMailer (transport).

这篇关于EC2 - 新鲜PHP安装 - 邮件无法正常工作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-28 05:22